Good luck on healing your sores.  I'm in the same boat since July with a couple 
setbacks along the way.  I am putting on a healing cream and it seems to help 
but keep in pressure off is essential.  Are your sores on your ishial 
tuberosities?  That's when mine is.  I am going to try a new cushion soon.  It 
is custom fitted to your buns.  It's a Ride Designs custom cushion, but be 
careful when did the initial fitting they made my store worse.  Hang in there!

Silas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:      @page Section1 {size: 8.5in 11.0in; 
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  My Resolution, 
  Do what ever it takes to get these 2 agrivating wounds healed on my butt, 
there not big as a dime but the little basterds won't close.  Even if I have 
spend time in bed, im using the tea man their really clean and bleed when the 
packing is removed.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, for you like that can't 
move your fingers get your aid to cross them.  Lol.  Merry Christmas to all and 
a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!  
    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Anne Tripicchio 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:05 AM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] New Years Resolutions

    I’m trying to make some good New Year’s Resolutions for 2007 and I was 
wondering what everyone else is planning to do? We all know the standard 
resolutions such as eating healthy and exercising more but I wanted to see if 
there were any creative ideas out there. What’s new for you in 2007?
  Hope you have a Happy Holiday and a Healthy New Year!

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