Before I had my SCI and the myriad of other injuries that came with it, I 
averaged 6 1/2 hours a night. I sleep about 7 hours after I take a few hits of 
pot. If I'm out of herb I sleep in smaller increments and take tylenol PM. Pot 
has been the best sleep aid i have found and it really isn't addictive. It is 
illegal so you might want to ask your local district attorney how they feel 
about medical marijuana. I have relatives that are cops and consider pot busts 
to be a waste of time and money. 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 10:37 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

Hello everyone i'm just curious how many of you use sleep aids to get a full 
nights sleep.
Any input be great thanks Ray c-5 c-6 AZ 6yrs post 17th this month         

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