In a message dated 3/24/2007 2:55:30 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I am a C4-5 complete, I have no trunk control, I feel like a  ragdoll!!
Have you tried contacting Christine Dahlberg with the Gov's Office  regarding 
this? If not you should consider.

Oh my, yesterday my Nursing Service had a manditory  meeting with all of 
their home health aids. This makes me sick, They sent no  letters, although I 
talked with Jorgiene the owner yest & she said that I  should have gotten 3 
letters. My cna & I do mail everyday, we pick it up  then open after dinner. 
my case manager has tried very hard to get me  on Medicaid Waiver & finnally 
last fall. she got me on it. Well our  N.Service is dropping Medicaid Waiver, 
claming they are several months on  payment from Waiver. She said,  she has 
lost thousands of dollars. Well  it's our crummy governer Mitch that has 
the laws. We in IN have to get  busy & ditch Mitch out of office!  They can 
give $900 million to  build a new stadium but they couldn't give funding for 
all-day kindergarten.  It's  a rotten shame, where these politicians heads are! 
Anyway back  to me, My CNA's can no longer take me to my Dr's appt., cannot 
take me out  shopping or pick up my meds from my pharmacy. I save the 
money, by  having Liz take me in my vehicle & use my gas, during the time Liz 
is here  to take me. I'm sick about this, sorry guys I just had to vent! 


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