Email 1/Day 1
Senate Bill 5 Campaign

  Review Key Messages and Reach out to friends and family 

  As outlined in our introduction of the coordinated S 5 campaign, below are 
your tasks for DAY ONE. If you want to receive the next 3 emails, please email 
   Review the Key Messages. This will be just a quick look for some of you, for 
others, perhaps a longer study. 

I have included the highlights of our Key Messages and the list of Senators in 
the sample email below. You can also use that for your own reference.

   Go through your phone book or contact list and get in touch with all of your 
friends and family. Tell them how important Senate Bill 5 is to you. 

Below you will find, between the bold blue lines, a sample email that you can  
copy and send to your friends and family. Of course you can feel free to edit 
or re-write completely - this is just a start for those of you who don't have 
much time to spare! 
  Please keep us posted on your progress. We are excited to have you on our 
team of advocates. Thank you for all you do for stem cell research.
  Stay well,

  Amy Daly, RN
  Executive Director 
  Hello friends and family,   Next week Senators in Washington will debate 
Senate Bill Five (S 5), the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007.
  This bill will expand federal funding of lifesaving research to allow 
scientists to study cells that will otherwise be thrown away. If a couple has 
already decided to throw away their extra embryos from fertility treatment, and 
there is no chance for that embryo to be implanted in a womb to create man 
said, I need a pregnancy, the couple would now be able to donate these cells to 
science. S 5 will allow the country's best minds to access federal funding for 
these studies. To see the full text of S 5, click here.
  There is an alternative bill, introduced by Senator Isakson. This bill is a 
distraction. Although this is a possible avenue of study, it should not be 
considered an alternative to voting Yes on S5 and Yes on a Veto Override. This 
avenue of study should be pursued along side of embryonic stem cell research - 
not instead of it. 
  We believe that we have 66 "yes" votes: One more and we will have enough to 
override the expected veto of President Bush. If we can get 67 votes, it will 
put enormous pressure on those in the House who might oppose the research. We 
have identified five Senators who might be willing to change their positions to 
"Yes" (click here). To find out how your Senators voted on last year's version 
of this bill, click here. 

  As you know, this research is very important to me. I ask that you help me in 
the next four days to convince these Senators that they must vote Yes on S5 and 
they must vote Yes on a veto override. 
  The first thing you can do is learn a little about embryonic stem cell 
research, if you don't already know the basics. Below are some key points that 
you should know. 
  The second thing you can do is help contact the five Senators who might be 
willing to change their positions on this bill - with letters and calls. Below 
the key messages you will find the list of these Senators. If you are 
interested in helping, I will send another email with a sample letter that you 
can modify to send to them. I'll also send along a sample script for calls.
  Thank you in advance for your help. This is a critical time for stem cell 
research in this country. This research is very important to me and I 
appreciate your help in making it happen. 
  Here are highlights of key messages on embryonic stem cell research. Click 
here for a full page of key points on this research. 
  The Majority of Americans Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research - including 
the vast medical science community, America's opinion leaders, patient advocate 
organizations, Nobel Laureates, most organized religions, and more than 72% of 
  This is a Family Rights Issue - Medical decisions should be made by you, your 
family and your doctor. Political leaders should not be cutting families off 
from access to this lifesaving research, but instead leading the effort to fund 
this research. It is a family's right to decide and choose the best medical 
care for their loved ones.
  Embryonic Stem Cells - have the potential to provide lifesaving cures for 
many diseases and injuries that cause suffering.
  Embryonic Stem Cell Research - is NOT about abortion and it is NOT cloning 
human beings. Supporting the research is a true "pro-life" position. Senator 
Orrin Hatch has said, "I think that support of this vital research is a 
pro-life, pro-family decision. This research holds out promise for more than 
100 million Americans suffering..."
  Stem Cell Research is our Legacy - Our parents' generation gave us cures for 
many diseases, such as polio and smallpox, leaving us a legacy of health. They 
took care of us. How can we take care of them? We must use this research to 
take care of them and to take care of future generations. What legacy will we 
leave our children and grandchildren?
  Here are the five Senators, in order of importance, whom we need to contact. 
Click here for details about their positions on stem cell research.

  John Sununu: New Hampshire (R)
Phone: (202) 224-2841 FAX: (202) 228-4131
  Address: 111 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
  Bob Casey: Pennsylvania (D) 
  Phone: (202) 224-6324. FAX: (202) 228-0604   
  Address: B-40 Dirksen Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
  Norm Coleman: Minnesota (R)
Phone: (202) 224-5641  FAX: (202) 224-1152
  Address: 320 Senate Hart Office Building, Washington, D. C. 20510
  Richard Shelby: Alabama (R)
Phone: (202) 224-5744    FAX: (202) 224-3416 
  Address: 110 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
  Lindsey Graham: South Carolina (R) Phone: (202) 224-5972  FAX: (202) 224-3808
  Address: 290 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
            550 S. California Avenue | Suite 330 | Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 812-9304 | (650) 833-0105 (fax)      

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