This is an interesting thread which I found to be much more civil than I
anticipated.  I had avoided all of the other arguments about the stem cell
research because I thought, "I already know what I believe and I don't think
anybody else is going to change my mind, so why bother."  I also didn't want
to exchange barbs with anybody.  About two years ago I left the list because
there was such a fervor and religious arguments which became offensive to
people that believe.  Interestingly enough, I am not an extremely devout
person, but I couldn't take all of the language used back then.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that based on what I have read in this
particular thread, everybody was civil and didn't demean or degrade the
other's beliefs.  However, I may have missed part of the thread, so if I
did, I apologize in advance.

On 4/14/07, Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dan T,

If you can find them, where are they? Are they really Hate talk? Are they
really slander (actually the correct word is libel)? If so, please give me
the legal definition of the two (you can use a free on-line dictionary) and
how they relate. I am also a Catholic but I was not offended by anything I
read on this topic.

Dan V

At 08:34 PM 4/13/2007 -0700, Dan T said something that elicited my

Dan, I can find those items you questioned below and they are particularly
offensive to me as a Catholic.  Dan T.

*Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:  What in the Hell are you people talking
about! Hate talk? By who? Slander? By who? Remember boys and girls just
because someone doesn't agree with you, you can't start calling them names.
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. In other words, grow

Dan V

 Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: You can't use "freedom of speech" to
justify hate speech. It was completely uncalled for, as were most of his
other rants.

 Angie, I think you were the one that brought up the freedom of speech
issue but with that freedom comes responsibility.  No one has the right to
slander others or their beliefs.  A point or opinion can be expressed
civilly.  Dan T.

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