At 05:53 PM 4/27/2007 -0700, Paul Jacobson said something that elicited my 
>Wondering if anyone knows of any good caregivers I could use for a week in 
>August in the New York/Connecticut area?
>Do you folks bring a caregiver and pay for their flight and hotel?

Only seems fair. They are working for you and aren't expected to shell out 
money for your good time. I always pay for everything for the both of us.

>Do you hire one wherever you might be going?

I always bring my own. It's hard enough dealing with all the unexpected 
glitches while on a trip without having to deal with a person who's 
unexperienced with your personal way of doing things. 

Of course, I'm talking from a quads point of view. If you're a para or very 
high functioning quad, you probably can do most of your care yourself. 


>Looking forward to your responses.
>Paul  c5/6
>San Diego, CA

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