William, I have a tilt and recline on my wheelchair.  Tilting can help by 
moving the pressure from your behind to your back but what I have found out is 
the most important issue when resolving a pressure problem is how I am sitting 
on a cushion.  The cushion may not be appropriate for your seating needs.
If the cushion that I am using is problematic tilting a great deal will 
probably not help in itself.
I think it would be a good idea if you consulted a seating specialist.  Is 
there a good rehab hospital in your area?  Or possibly find your self a 
physical therapist that can evaluate you and make a recommendation.
You mentioned you had a 4 inch/high profile Roho.  There are other roho 
products that might help you.  You might possibly contact roho and ask them to 
refer you to a vendor that can evaluate you.
It would be best to get evaluated to see if your cushion is appropriate for you 
and if you could benefit from a tilting mechanism.  You need to contact a 
Also, the more you stay off your sore, the more likely it will heal.  No one 
likes to hear that including myself.
I have recently healed a pressure sore on my behind but am unable as of now to 
find a cushion that can meet my seating needs so I am also in bed longer than I 
would like.
Hope this is insightful, best wishes... Dan T.
William Willis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Guys, I need some serious advice. I 
have been battling a substantil pressure 
sore on my rear end for nearly four years. It absolutely refues to heal. I 
just bought a highprofile roho and hope that helps. my question - would it 
be worth the money (about $1500 out-of-pocket) for me to invest in a tilt 
chair? I have a standard invacare arrow now. Would this be a worthwhile 
investment or could I spend the money on something more worthwhile? Please 
help me guys, especially if you have experience with a tilt chair.

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