Hi all.......I have had a bad UTI for a month now, I just got the results of a 
Urine Culture today, and they told me I have psuedamonas bacteria infection and 
are going to contact my Urologist because only I.V. drugs can fight it. Since 
i've had a supra-pubic catheter put in 7 years ago --- this is the ( 3rd ) time 
i've had this type bacteria, that will probably require I.V. drugs once again. 
It is very depressing, Has anyone else had repeated serious UTI's such as 
Psuedamonas??? We are wondering how many times one can use the I.V. drugs for 
this before getting resistant to them.......I don't know what options there 
are..I will ask my Uro Doctor but he seems to not know a lot on the subject.    
      Thanks,  Dan H.

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