I got to remember that one.  :-)

>   A little kid in a mall with his mom asked me "What happened?"  I smiled,
> looked at his mom and told him, "I said NO to my mom once."  I wasn't sure
> whose eyes were bigger......
> Dave
> In a message dated 12/11/2007 1:05:51 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
>  As you can tell, we are open to input from quads from anyplace who wish
> to join. We are aware that survival of quads in some countries is not always
> a priority. Medicine is not equal from one nation to the next. I have known
> doctors that have worked in third world countries and the resources simply
> do not exist to do much more than try to comfort a severe spinal injury and
> let the person pass on. Those of us in America and other nations that can
> provide the medical care often struggle to allow severely handicapped
> persons to join into meaningful careers and livelihoods.
> I know I have battled against the perception that I'm too handicapped, and
> the always painful comment that I'd be better off dead. I once had a lady
> with 4 children stop and point at me and say, "that is what happens to bad
> children.". (she may have meant I was ugly)
> I've never gotten that on here. People have been very kind and very
> helpful. I've learned a lot by reading and participating on here. I'd love
> to know more about how paralyzed persons live in many countries, including
> Ethiopia.
> My Best Wishes to You and Yours,
> john
> ----- Original Message ----
> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 9:15:47 AM
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] HI
> Greetings Kemal
> Thank You for your post and observation about the numbers of those
> participants from developing countries.
> There is an old military saying that goes, "The closer one gets to combat,
> the more obsolete the equipment gets."  I can only wish and wonder what
> happens outside our country when it comes with survival of people with
> spinal cord injuries.  You could become that window of opportunity to let us
> know. I can't even imagine
> what your daily life is like or how it begins. I hope to visit your
> website and see for myself.  I would also like to refer our Chicago Chapter
> of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association  of your website and their
> comments.
> Our best wishes to you and hope that you continue on postings!
>  In a message dated 12/10/2007 2:47:42 A.M. Central Standard Time,
> dear fellows,
> i am a quad,c33, incomplete.
> I think that the quad-list group is open to everybody(quads). But almost
> all of the participants seem to be from the developed world especially
> the USA.We need to encourage more participants from the developing world
> so that we can benefit from a wider and comprhensive experiencs
> involved. If they are there, may be, their presence could  not be felt
> and they have to come out.can we find out  who you are and from where,
> just to find out. to start with---I am kemal from ethiopia.  my web
> site you are interested.
> thank you
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