Anyone got one? I'm thinking about getting an '07........any thoughts.......I'll be driving it.

Paul c5/6
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] brands of wheelchairs

I'm with you Ron. The ibot is nothing but an expensive novelty.


At 05:13 PM 12/30/2007 -0800, RONALD L PRACHT said something that elicited my response:


In the car business you have ford, chevy, ford, are known manufacturers that have proven technology and any mechanic works on these. The you have saab, audi, volvo, scion, saturn, fiat, mercedes........these car may be decent but you cant get parts very easy and when u do its crazy high priced.

The wheelchair business is the same you got invacare, quickie, tilite.......then you got the unknowns ibot, permobile and several more.

When you buy a car or wheelchair you have to think about can i get parts for this chair, how easy, how much, from which vendor.

Quickie is the most proven, known, trusted are plentiful........anyone works on them.

I would never subject myself to the hell that buying an unknown is going to be.......the ibot is cool to watch but too much technology to keep going in everyday life and come on are u really going up thirty stairs with it.........i think if you went up the thirty stairs 5 times a day you would have a broken chair and a couple broken legs.

ron c7

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