Hi Lori, I do not recall how I found the list, but think its been about 4yrs 
And?a Happy New Year to everyone also:-)? Ray C-5 C-6 AZ???

-----Original Message-----
From: Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 12:32 pm
Subject: [QUAD-L] Old-timers and newcomers_Checking in



For those of you who post regularly (as well as those who do not or just lurk) 
I was wondering if you all could tell the rest of us how long you have been on 
this list?


I found it in the latter part of 1995 and never unsubscribed except for six 
months when we were living in temporary quarters at one time around 2000 so it 
has been 12 1/2 years for me or so.? During?the last 12 1/2 years I have told 
at least four people about this list because they had not heard of it.? They 
know who they are.? :-) 


Anyway, it would be refreshing to see how long?y'll all have been on the list.

Happy new year to you all!

C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
Tucson, AZ 

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