It was quite easy to know when I got on this list because it was shortly
after I got on the Internet.  In early 1995I did not even know a single
thing about the Internet.  Then I signed up but ended up being in the
hospital for two weeks with my shunt surgeries.  I remember thinking, lying
there in the hospital, that I had just signed up for the Internet and was
paying for it but could not use it or learn how to use it!

I usually can keep track of things (anything) by where I was or who I was
with at the time something happened or occurred.  Or categories.  Like I can
remember certain things that were pre-my ex significant other.  Or when I
was with him.  Or where we lived.

And then after I split up with him and what I was doing in the interim
between breaking up with him and marrying my current husband.  And what I
have done and where I have lived since our marriage over the last 10 years.

Kind of like "where I was" and "who I was with" when this or that happened.

Lori Michaelson
C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
Tucson, AZ

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