Leaving a city with plenty of water and going to a major city without  
natural resources has its drawbacks.
Like water.....for those who fish and swim..
Best Wishes
In a message dated 1/3/2008 2:03:44 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Project welcomes all...Rich..Poor..Ga. has funding on a case by case  
basis..Family's would be great..it adds to all..People from anywhere and  
everywhere...we come up with a team that understands all the problems..I have  
a team 
that is active in Atlanta..Chartered by State of Ga.....Shepherd could  play a 
role..they are advising on a major project to be in Atlanta..They like  
mix-use..maybe part of a bigger picture..but not just 100% disability..it  
doesn't fit 
into their bigger picture..the reality, is that, at times,  disability may 
need help and when they do..it is on the spot help...I don't  know enough about 
the physche (spelling)...For me..I rather be in a Fraternity  of Folks that 
have the same problems I have...I'm not interested in having a  Martini with a 
guy/girl that is leaving the party and going dancing for  example..I'm 
interested in having a beer with a few folks after we played  
wheel-chair-basketball...that is the concept..Some like it..Some  don't...Myron

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.     

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