Do you wear them when you're in your chair or just that night?  Right now
I'm wearing the sheepskin booties at night and some large sports shoes
(almost like hiking boots) during the times I am in my wheelchair.


On 1/4/08, Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> They're not exactly as slippery as most slippers that we all are aware
> of.  But they are not rubberized either.  They're kind of in between.  I
> also put my feet on the floor during a transfer but someone is helping me so
> it is not something I would have to worry about
> The only thing I worry about when purchasing any type of shoe... is how
> much pressure it can put on any part of my foot or heel.
> Lori Michaelson
> C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
> Tucson, AZ
>  On Jan 2, 2008 4:46 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ARE they slippery or rubber bottomed?  i put my feet on hardwood floors
> > to transfer and slipery isn't cool.   i have an electric heater under my
> > desk on lo so i don't burn.
> > dave
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To:
> > Sent: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 3:18 pm
> > Subject: [QUAD-L] Cold? I would suggest these!
> >
> >
> >   For those of you who are out there in states that are bitter cold (I
> > see it is barely in the teens in Chicago today) or get cold in the house
> > like I do even though I live in southern Arizona... I'd like to make a
> > suggestion.
> >
> > My husband bought these for me for Christmas.  He found them the least
> > expensive on eBay.  They're perfect for gals or guys!
> >
> > Prior to nine years ago... fashion was very important to me and I would
> > not be caught dead in sweatpants or anything other than nice jeans, nice
> > shoes, matching this and that, etc. etc. etc..  But then warmth, necessity
> > and age allowed me to change my wardrobe somewhat.
> >
> > In 1997 my feet and ankles began swelling like the sizes of big
> > potatoes.  I had to stop wearing tennis shoes and turned to other shoes so I
> > would not get pressure because of my fat feet not fitting in anything.
> > Further... it seemed as time goes on... the colder I would get very easily.
> >
> > Anyway... I wanted to attest that the following Tempur-Pedic Foot
> > Comforters are very, very nice!  I have been wearing sandals of some sort
> > over the last seven years and in the winter time I put socks or colored
> > stockings on and then the sandals.
> >
> > At first I thought that they would look too big or out of place but they
> > are actually pretty stylish.  The ones that I have are very dark navy blue
> > (that I can only tell when I put them on with my black pants) and are so
> > plush that I just put my bare feet into them.
> >
> > Also... a sore that I have had for many months has JUST healed although
> > it is still a little pink.  Since it is my husband would have to deal with
> > the repercussions of the sore coming back...HE WOULD NOT EVEN ATEMPT OR
> > ALLOW me to wear these.  But since I am wearing them... that is how soft
> > they are and rather pressure less (since absolutely no pressure is the only
> > solution to get rid of a sore).
> >
> > So if anyone is interested in keeping their feet warm (which will help
> > warm you all over)... check out the following product:
> >
> >
> >
> > Shipping and handling is free within the United States and this is the
> > best price we could find on the product.  NO... I am not the seller!
> > Just trying to help somebody out who easily gets cold.  It is sunny and
> > 64° here today but chilly in the shade and the same temperature as always in
> > the house.  But I love my new foot comforters despite that!
> > --
> > Lori
> > C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
> > Tucson, AZ
> >  ------------------------------
> > More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL 
> > Mail<>
> > !
> >
> >
> --
> Lori
> C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
> Tucson, AZ

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