I'm like you.  I require more sleep now.  Its very difficult for me to fall 
asleep but when I do, I'm out.  For a long time I wasn't able to sleep at all 
then started taking Ambien which gave me a few hours then I woke up for a 
couple then back to sleep for a while.  I've seen that infomercial and its 
bogus if its the one i'm thinking about.  A news program went after him to 
question him and he completely avoided talking.


----- Original Message ----
From: Quadius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 4:37:32 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] SLEEP- Nature's Order

I was up late one night and happened to stop the show I was watching on my DVR 
just in time to catch an infomercial that was discussing a cure for insomnia.  
I know infomercials are always notorious for hyping things, but this particular 
one was selling a book that had common remedies for problems.  This particular 
one mentioned just smelling some sort of coffee.  I sure would like to know 
what type of coffee that is, because it would nice to be able to sleep when I 
should be.
I am lucky enough not to suffer from chronic pain like many of you.  Yes I have 
pain, but it's obviously not nearly as bad as the majority of people on this 
list suffer from.  My heart goes out to you and I am seriously hoping that my 
pain doesn't get any worse.  Right now it's really bad during the winter, but 
after I get up and get used to being up, it diminishes significantly.
As for me, when I really need to sleep I take Benadryl.  It usually gives me 
about four hours straight and then I'm able to sneak a couple of hours here and 
there.  I feel much better when I get about seven hours sleep, but that rarely 
happens any longer.  Prior to injury I usually got about five hours, but I was 
very active and didn't seem to require the normal eight hours of sleep.

Sleep is the essence of life. It is necessary to life. Sleep occurs early 
during the beginning of life and remains a very important element as we grow 
and mature.  During natural sleep, our bodies grow and natural chemicals are 
both produced and released into our bodies, during the process of natural sleep.
The lack of natural sleep also can produce unnatural effects on our bodies and 
For those still interested, check out GOOGLE for nature sleep.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 4/12/2008 2:14:06 A.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
I am so sorry John I will pray for you.  I can see you're so uncomfortable as a 
result of your injury that was not your fault of the hospital's.  I wish your 
chair with comfortable for you.  You have trouble sleeping just like I do.  It 
seems like a lot of us do I guess it is the quad thing, just like getting 
really cold when we get in bed.
I hope the new sleeping medication my sleep doctor was talking about that is 
not on the market yet will be more of a benefit for us, I don't know anything 
about it.  I'm going to ask more about it the next time I go.
they want me to buy a light to turn on to get my rhythm normalized.  Have you 
ever heard of and do you think it works?  They are about $100 I think she just 
gave me some more information as I lost another, they really want me to buy 
one.  I don't want to spend the money if it does not work.  They think I'm 
affected by not having some light causing me not to sleep.

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