For the last 8 years I've been confined to a wheelchair due to a spinal cord 
injury.  The 42 years prior I lived a life looking up at people not because of 
my injury but because I'm a 4'6 dwarf.  Yes, I said dwarf not midget as midget 
is a derogatory in the dwarf community.  A little like the 'N' in the black 

Living life as a dwarf was a cake walk compared to my life now, as I am now 
pretty much home bound and with the exception of a few things am dependent on 
someone to assist me.   I can feed myself, if the food is cut up and of course 
prepared.  I can get my shirt off most of the time, but all other clothes have 
to be put on and taken of my wife or daughter.  When I'm out in the community,  
there are many times that the city sidewalk don't have curb cut outs or theres 
a cut out on one end not other.  Believe me the city gets tired of me showing 
up at their monthly meeting complaining about this or that.  In stores I will 
usually ask someone to reach something off the shelf or if no one comes, I'll 
reach as high as I can and knock something that won't break down to the ground. 
 Nothing pisses off a store manager than to haves for his displays come 
tumbleing down like a stack of 2 litter plastic bottles, toilet paper, peaches 
and oranges etc.  Now every time
 I go back to the same store all the store employees are aware I'm there.

In most cases though when I am out most people are more than happy to assist 
me.  It's really all in the way you ask for that assistance that matters.

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 7:36:14 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Wheelchair Monologue

The target audience here is definitely the AB  crowd.  I think it was also 
poorly done - it should have had a much  more upbeat tone with a "here i come - 
you guys better be ready for me"  attitude.  I go out a lot and don't have a 
bit of problem asking for  help.  I am pretty self sufficient but if i need a 
hand.... i ask for  it.   Most people are clueless what to do around gimps so 
guess what  -  - - it's up to you to tell them what you need.  Why would you  
EXPECT them to know your needs?  You are an oddity - a true minority,   Just 
tell them "please get me that yellow peanut butter off the top fricking  shelf 
and put it here in my tray"  what's so hard about that?  they  love helping us 
- it's built in.   i always ask the large breasted  women for help so i get a 
double bonus out of it if you know what i mean.   don't expect anyone to KNOW 
what you need - they don't.  just ask and it  shallbe yours - now where have i 
heard that  b/4?
In a message dated 4/27/2008 9:03:14 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
The    Star Press - - Muncie, IN 

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