AD is autonomic dysreflexia. Most quads experience this type of a nerve 
disorder from time to time. Your body generates enough pain that it creates and 
electrical pulse that somehoe sends signals into the autonomiuc nervous system 
where it wreaks havoc on pulse rate, blood pressure, hormone production. Organ 
failure may occur. Stroike and heart attack can also happen. It is a serious 
problem. So, what does everyone else take when AD begins.


--- On Tue, 1/20/09, Steve White <> wrote:

From: Steve White <>
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Baclofen q's....
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 4:21 PM

What is AD?
Summer White

----- Original Message ----- 
From: John S. 
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Baclofen q's....

I had the same choice back in the 80's when baclophen was being touted as the 
end all be all of controlling spasms. I was taking about 30-40 mg of valium a 
day and pretty addicted. (had been on Valium for 13years). Just to start the 
change meant detoxing from one drug to another. I find that detoxing involves 
AD, or at least a very good chance of it. I mean the kind where you can't talk 
anymore and a 20 hour nap. I gave up after one episode. Going to the ER once is 
not my idea of a sucessful attempt. 
I had a friend that went for baclophen. He was a C-4 and felt valium was old 
fashioned. A year later hes having to take a lot of baclophen to control 
spasms. Easy cure, go to Texas and get a baclophen pump installed. 1st one 
malfunctioned and couldn't refill after a month.
Rush back to Texas. Second pump surgery screws up and he gets a staph 
infection. He died on a plane between Huston and Cincinnati while the pilot was 
turning the plane around. In all sincerety, I don't believe most doctors or 
nurses have a real understanding of AD 
I know that I can pop six to eight Valiums to get AD into control if need be. I 
had an anti-seizure drug but it didn't work as well or as fast as simply taking 
a blood pressure pill and 2 Valiums. If it doesn't work for you then, by all 
means, search for a drug that will work.
What do folks on here take for their AD?
I find that it is easy to tell when I need a valium and it has the side effect 
of making me far less suicidal or depressed.
--- On Mon, 1/19/09, t crook <> wrote:

From: t crook <>
Subject: [QUAD-L] Baclofen q's....
To: "q-list" <>
Date: Monday, January 19, 2009, 1:29 PM

I would like to know who uses baclofen and the side effects you experience; 
like hypotension (which I already suffer from), or any side effects. I took 
this drug right after my accident in '88, but that was 20 yrs. ago and my 
memory did not log any recollection of the side effects.
Below is a news link; a doctor claims it worked for his addiction to alcohol, 
it got me thinking of changing my spasm medicine. I do not suffer from alcohol 
addiction; but I take diazapam for spasms, and was going to talk to my doc 
about baclofen for the spasms. I was just recently diagnosed with inherited 
Cardiomyopathy; so I was wondering about any cardio side effects as well, which 
I will find out when I have another echo cardiogram next week.

Tim c5 c6


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