Todd, you should have a managed bowel program.  I can't recommend the  best 
for you as I don't know your personal medical history. I don't know your  level 
of function either.  I do know what can happen to your body or anyone  else's 
body when they fail to have a "regular" bowel movement.
There are some purist and naturalist who feel that a person should have a  
bowel movement after every dinner or 3 times a day.  Consider your habits  
before you became a C6.  Your waste is toxic and you should have a bowel  
once a day or every other day.  I realize that you may need help  or 
assistance and I don't know how often assistance is available for you.
What bowel program gave you so much trouble before?  What product did  you 
use before?
Best Wishes
In a message dated 2/5/2009 12:53:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Are there any quads out there that don't have a "bowel program?" I am an  
incomplete c-6 and stopped doing programs after a few years because of the  
discomfort.  I have been injured since '89 and basically just wait until  I get 
sensation to go, and then get to a bathroom.  The problems is  that I am not 
going on a regular basis and sometimes a week will go by between  movements.  
I am afraid of taking any kind of stool softeners  for fear of diarrhea.  This 
is another subject but I went last year  for a colon cleanse and it felt 
really good to know that all that excees waste  is out of my body.
Todd D

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