I am living alone and have no one that could perform them, which is the
first problem.  Digital stimulation gives me trouble due to sensation even
with different numbing products.  It would make me dysreflexic.  My diet is
horrible.  I am 6'1 and weigh 120lbs.  I think a good diet with fiber might
help me regulate but as far as programs go I'm not sure what I can do.

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:55 PM, <wheelch...@aol.com> wrote:

> Todd, you should have a managed bowel program.  I can't recommend the best
> for you as I don't know your personal medical history. I don't know your
> level of function either.  I do know what can happen to your body or anyone
> else's body when they fail to have a "regular" bowel movement.
> There are some purist and naturalist who feel that a person should have a
> bowel movement after every dinner or 3 times a day.  Consider your habits
> before you became a C6.  Your waste is toxic and you should have a bowel
> movement, once a day or every other day.  I realize that you may need help
> or assistance and I don't know how often assistance is available for you.
> What bowel program gave you so much trouble before?  What product did you
> use before?
> Duxolex?
> Best Wishes
> W
>  In a message dated 2/5/2009 12:53:08 P.M. Central Standard Time,
> todd.daughe...@gmail.com writes:
> Are there any quads out there that don't have a "bowel program?" I am an
> incomplete c-6 and stopped doing programs after a few years because of the
> discomfort.  I have been injured since '89 and basically just wait until I
> get the sensation to go, and then get to a bathroom.  The problems is that I
> am not going on a regular basis and sometimes a week will go by between
> movements.  I am afraid of taking any kind of stool softeners for fear of
> diarrhea.  This is another subject but I went last year for a colon cleanse
> and it felt really good to know that all that excees waste is out of my
> body.
> Todd D
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