good luck John.  This MRSA is an absolute monster.  I hope you're back to
your normal self shortly, but then again I often enjoy the insights of your
pharmaceutically enhanced mind.  :-)

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 3:43 PM, John S. <> wrote:

> I hear about a lot of members fighting MRSA. Saturday, a small scratch on
> my wrist became red and remarkably tender. Since I had a Tuesday appointment
> with a GP, and a I keep several anti-biotics on hand, including Clindamyacyn
> (what are the odds), I began taking it on Sunday. My doctor ordered I up the
> dosage on Tuesday when he saw it. Definitely, take probiotics with this
> stuff.
> I'm being braggart here, never start a drug before talking to your doctor.
> I did it because we share the same brain. Any anti-biotic is a serious
> poison and can cause irreparable damage if used with certain other drugs or
> with those of you with bad kidney problems. (if I start loosing urine volume
> I have to meet a urologist at an an ER asap)Being a quad means many drugs
> are getting tested. I've often wondered what you guys take for bladder and
> kidney infections. Which anti-biotics are best tolerated and do the job.
> Critical side effects and nuisance side effects? How many of you take
> prophylactic drugs? Should you be?
> A lot of you are very well informed and capable of learning enough drug
> chemistry to do some otherwise expensive testing at home.
> My wrist hurts like hell especially since I haven't felt it in 33 years.
> I read the letter on low blood pressure and I am pretty certain low blood
> pressure leads to these exact problems, as well. Healing the most minor of
> injuries turns into life threatening problems. I swear it looked like a
> tiniest piece of dead skin rubbed off at first. To a staff bacteria, it
> probably looked like an Olympic swimming pool.
> So, here I am waiting to see if it needs IV anti-botics. The real pisser is
> it's my good hand, if you can call it that. Looks like it wants to pop a
> golf ball out, The kind they play in the snow with.
> I'm probably babbling from an anti-biotic high, but I thought I should
> mention how low blood pressure can also make blood clots form as well as
> weakening our immune systems. If you get any even super minor skin defects,
> it isn't asking too much to put an antiseptic dressing on it.
> Have a nice Holiday,
> john
> I

C2-3 incomplete
13 years post injury

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