Hello my friends,
     You are the ONLY one's who will understand why I am upset. I realize 
how very lucky I am living in an apartment for the past 26 years and have a 
van that I can drive since 1980 and most of all my sweet Pete who is not only 
the love of my life, my best friend but also my full-time home health aid. 
Which brings me to why I'm upset? 
  My youngest sister, DeeDee, lives in Saratoga, NY and she found a Bed & 
Breakfast that is accessible and has a hospital bed in it and it's only 200 
miles away. But Pete thinks 200 miles is to far to drive plus he would have 
to unload the van and then take care of me. I think 200 miles is not far at 
all especially if we share the driving and he will need to take care of me 
wherever we are. So, he has made up his mind, were not going. We have not been 
on any vacation since 1995!
  Pete is also concerned that he will not get reinstated as my full-time 
HHA, 42 hrs a week. Although I can understand his concern me as the client can 
request anybody and denie anybody.        Bobbie
**************Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist near you now. 

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