One pill makes you larger-the other makes you small- then the other pill don't 
do anything at all ;)     yeah, i know Bobbie, it is best to try and take as 
less as possible, but not being normal able bodied, unfortunately we must take 
some meds.   I even hate having to take diabetes pills twice a day on top of 
bladder spasm and pain meds.. plus something to help sleep or I can't even 
sleep thru the pain and discomfort.   Dan H.

From: "" <>
Sent: Wed, March 3, 2010 10:58:26 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Dizzy?

I get real dizzy when I'm being turned to get dressed and when i first sit up 
long sitting in bed. i do NOT want to take any more pills.         ~ Bobbie

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