I don't think it will affect Medicare. If anything changes. It will
unfortunately get rewritten, changed, canceled, soon.

It should just be Medicare for all. You could opt out if wanted. The best
and cheapest way I think.

At least it makes them cover preexisting injuries. Though they mentioned
"For kids" so I hope it covers adults too.

I'd love to get secondary insurance to cover my 20%


I just can't understand the hatred over this, most from those who it would
help the most. The R's are just so good at scaring people out of their own
best interest. The big scary government, death panels, killing old people,
etc. Yesterday as congressmen were walking up the steps they got called
Nig., got spit on, etc. One R yelled "Baby killer" as a D was on the floor
speaking. I'm not happy how this Bill got put together or the Bill itself,
but I never yelled these things. Nor did I yell them at Bush ( Though I
might have in the privacy of my own home.)





Does anyone know how it affects Medicare?  SCI population?


Paul  c5/6

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