I was disgusted and saddened by the hatefulness and bigotry that the Republicans exhibited in this debate. When protesters (with the approval of the Republican leaders) say things like: ni**a lover, fa**ot, and other disgusting comments it shows how low they will go to try and regain the White House. The constant hate talk on Conservative talk shows turns my stomach. If the Republicans would have civil and constructive debates instead of just constantly saying: 'No - we're right and you're wrong because you are blankity blank blank.' I would have more respect for them.


At 01:45 PM 3/23/2010, bob quinn said:

At 01:16 PM 3/23/2010, Lori Michaelson wrote:

The decision was made by Obama and, by damn, according to him it was going to happen. No ifs, ands or buts.

Yea, finally! I only wish he had stopped asking "The Party of No" for input last summer, instead of waiting till now. Then we might have got what the rest of the modern world has, a public option or single-payer system.

As long as for-profit health insurance companies rule, we're doomed.

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