Hi Matt,

Congratulations! It's great to hear that you can have  improvement from 
stem cells even though it has been over a number of years. So  glad to hear 
that you are continuing to show improvements.

I appreciate the virus protection advice.


In a message dated 10/17/2010 8:59:43 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
wheelch...@aol.com writes:

Congrats Matt.  Time flies by when you are having fun.  I hope  and wish 
that you continue to do well.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 10/17/2010 3:10:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
wer...@wk.net writes:

I am 50 on Tuesday, my 21st yr as C-4 was 8/12, hang  tough and we might be 
fixed yet lol.
If not at least we've persevered right!

I've regained some slowly, driving wc with quad-style  joystick, have some 
strength in both
arams, not lots but had "0" for quite  awhile.
"It's a good life if you don't weaken"
----- Original Message -----  
From: _Debbie Hamilton_ (mailto:debbiewyom...@yahoo.com)  
To: _quad-l...@eskimo.com_ (mailto:quad-list@eskimo.com)  
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Anniversary

Congratulations Joan!  I am 51 years old, and I'm  also a C4.  I am five  
years post accident.  They  gave me 10 years give-or-take.   The quad list 
sure has made me think otherwise.  A lot of people have been  quads past 10 
years.  I  had always been in good shape, and still feel that I am.  It's a 
little scary, I don't  want to out live my husband because then I won't have a 
caregiver and  will probably end up in a nursing home.  I think that's my 
greatest  fear.  What is your living  situation?  

C4 incomplete/April 2005

--- On Fri,  10/15/10, Joan Anglin <poaj...@sbcglobal.net>  wrote:

From: Joan Anglin  <poaj...@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: [QUAD-L]  Anniversary
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, October 15,  2010, 7:20 PM

Today is a day to  celebrate.  20 years ago at 2:30 PM I fell off of some  
scaffolding and fell 10 feet-that was just enough to make me a C4  complete. 
 But considering that I was told that I probably  wouldn’t live a normal 
life line time wise I have proved them wrong  and plan to do so for the next 
10 years at least!  I have had  the joy of seeing four more grandchildren-age 
13 on down-and two  great grandchildren.  My health is excellent, I can 
still be  active and my favorite line is “I still haven’t figured out what I  
want to be when I grow up”.  So at 71 I look forward to an  anticipated 
fantastic next 10 years and am looking forward to all  the new inventions that 
will help most of us live better lives that  I could have ever dreamed 
possible 20 years ago.  Many thanks  for this list, it has enabled me to learn 
more about what’s new and  shaking.  Joan

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