

Slow cookers (crockpots) are great for simple, no mess meals. A slow cooker
meal that I enjoy is simply adding pork chops, chicken breast or cube steaks
and a can of cream of mushroom soup and cook for several hours. Serve over
rice or pasta with vegetables on the side. Yum Yum!


Steve - C4, 22 years


From: Dave Krehbiel [mailto:davekrehb...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 7:55 AM
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: livening up the list... any favorite recipes?


I have several different caregivers who come during the week, and I have
been getting kind of bored with microwave dinners.


On the other hand, my wife does not want caregivers rummaging through her
kitchen to prepare complex meals (and sometimes leave a mess).


Do you have any favorite recipes which are easy for caregivers to prepare?


Here's my favorite easy recipe: lots of us drink cranberry juice to try to
help us avoid urinary tract infections. Lately I have been asking my
caregivers to heat up my cranberry juice in the microwave. It's nice to have
something warm to drink on a cool day, and it tastes surprisingly good.


What's your favorite easy recipe?


Dave Krehbiel

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