I was planning to return home for Thanksgiving but am running into roadblocks 
questioning hotels about their "assessable bathrooms" and claiming to be 
Handicapped accessible.
Consistently I am told there is not enough room to pull a wheelchair beside the 
toilet.? "We meet state requirements for handicapped accessible" Which means 
there is a bar on the wall period, thats it~
That;s BS.? Has anyone experienced this and why has this not been brought to 
the attention of anyone??I am a very patient and so very grateful for all that 
I have.? I was told "you will never,? bla bla, bla."
Today I am completely independent and 4 years post I am still healing!?? This 
am I was able to hang a shirt up in my closet with 
only my left hand (that I was told I would never be able to use).??Today it 
takes so little for me to have a good day!
Anyway, who do I write to?? I live in PA.? start with gov officials?
Thanks guys~
Oh?Thursday I am getting fitted for a Gate Trainer anyone have one?? I am off 
to PT but will check email later!
C6 - C7 Incomplete Quad?

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