Dear Friends,

I'm not sure how many of you travel (I don't remember many, but that was "as
of quite some time ago.") and how many have Service Animals (more than the
previous group, I think)... BUT, IF YOU DO... or if you know someone who
does, please read this quoted message below and consider passing it on to
people you know.

I try to keep up with reading the group's messages to keep up with you-all's
lives.  I wish I could keep up with posting to the group more.  I miss the
Quad Comradery (Quadradery? Tough to say, eh?)

I'm prepping for a new trip, myself.  We're going scuba diving in Cozumel.
I got my scuba certification last year.  It really is something EVERYone
here should try.  The Handicapped Scuba Assoc. is great at making things
work for folks with nearly ANY disability!  Check ... but
that's all pretty far off my topic:  Service Animals and Super Shuttle


Best wishes, All,
Tod Santee
----------------------- Here it is --------------------
--- On Fri, 4/29/11, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [CDR-X] USDOJ -have you have experienced problems w/ service
animals on airport shuttle
Date: Friday, April 29, 2011, 9:05 AM

The U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is interested in learning if you have
encountered access problems with your assistance dog on any of the Super
Shuttles that transport passengers to and from many airports.

If you have experienced a denial of service or less than appropriate service
on the Super Shuttle, please contact the U. S. Department of Justice and
share your experiences. They've asked us to e-mail Sue Crawford at this
address: _Susan.Crawford@usdoj.gov_ (

The more feedback, the please consider furthering the DOJ's
effort to gather input from our community on this matter by passing this
request along to others.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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