From what I understand it was with the aid of another person operating a 
computer. No one lifted him up, but someone else did the work pushing buttons. 
It's a first step, though I think it's been done before. I think it did give 
him bladder function which is great. I'm all for it even if all it will ever do 
is help with bowel and bladder function. But I don't think it will ever get to 
walking. It does not help with balance or sensation. What if you fell and your 
legs kept trying to walk...

Maybe we can put him online and we can all take turns making him stand up and 
sit down.


> one word: incomplete?
> From: Nancy P []
> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 8:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: [QUAD-L] Research breakthrough just
> announced in The Lancet
> Hi all --
> I wanted you to be the first I shared this news with -- instead of
> trying to paraphrase, let me just give you a few paragraphs of
> detail.   Rob
> Summers, a 25-year-old Portland, Oregon man, who was paralyzed
> below his chest with a C7/T1 injury as a result of a car accident
> in 2006, is standing and stepping with assistance, and voluntarily
> moving his legs for the first tim e since his injury.
> /HTML>

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