My 1st 10 years of paralysis, I seldom needed pain meds, from age 40-age 50, 
after 50 I began to need them more and more----If you can get by without them 
thats great-- As we all know the less medication the better in many cases. Dan 

From: "" <>
Sent: Thu, August 16, 2012 9:55:48 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain

I don't know how you guys handle all the medication, first of I get nausous and 
then there is that darn constipation. I started taking pepcid which reduced the 
nausia and also helps with the constipation but still, that just another pill 


From: "Bobbie Humphreys" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 6:27:21 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain

          Morphine one capsule time release and a quick acting for intense pain 
in my neck (syrinx) and for my spine (scoliosis). I also take Valium 10mgs, 
gabapentin 500mgs, hydrocodone and pennsaid which is a topical solution to put 
where ever I hurt lower back, shoulder, neck and back.
   I've been a C-4,5,6,7 complete quad 39 years now. I've been dealing with 
depression on and off. I use to drive but no longer can. Now I can only be in 
the van as a passenger twice a month including Doctor appointments. So now I 
can't go to see my counselor I was seeing for depressing. 

   The has NOT been a good year at all!       Bobbie


Sent from my iPad

On Aug 15, 2012, at 11:55 AM, wrote:

> Hi all.
> I haven't been on this list that long, I was on it a long time ago but I 
>haven't been up to date until about a month ago. So I have missed any 
>discussions about dealing with chronic pain.
> I have been disabled for 31 yrs. I have only been in pain for about a year. 
> It 
>is in my neck, upper back and shooting into my left arm. I have tried 
>chiropractic adjustments but he doesn't want to make me worse so he actually 
>told me that I should stop.  I had a cortisone shot in my neck but it did not 
>help. So I have tried naproxin, tramadol and vicodin. The vicodin is the only 
>medication that helps. I don't want to take it for the rest of my life because 
>know it isn't safe.  My question is what do all  of you do for pain?  Thanks.
> Meredith

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