        I'm also taking a lot of morphine  but still have ridiculous pain, so 
my aim management Doctor gave me, on top of everything else, morphine sulfate 
immediate release release. This has helped me bring the pain down to 6 which 
let's me sleep. Also meditation helps me with pain and massage.

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 18, 2012, at 12:52 PM, Randal Rodgers <imaqua...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I became a quad in 1995. I never had any problem with pain. When I was in the 
> hospital in 1995, I got a pressure sore on my right back shoulder blade from 
> the halo brace. I could not feel it because it was just below the line of 
> paralysis. When it was found, it was debreeded and treated and healed with a 
> scar about the size of a silver dollar.
> Well, about 4 years ago I had a little pain around the pressure sore scar. My 
> dear wife would rub some heat rub on it and it took care of it. Over time the 
> pain has progressed until I live 24/7 with a pain that is an easy 8 or 9 on a 
> scale of 10. I went to 2 chiropractors and neither could help. Both thought 
> it was in the bones. The second chiropractor changed his mind and realized 
> what was actually happening.
> Scar tissue from the pressure sore was beginning to grow upward into the good 
> nerves in my back. As it did, it was irritating the good nerves and causing 
> pain. I asked my doctor about surgery to remove the nerves and he said if you 
> open the scar, you will create a larger wound which will result in more scar 
> tissue. So, that was out of the question. He sent me to the Rehabilitation 
> Institute of Chicago Center for Pain Management. I began their "course" for 
> managing the pain. The doctor realized my pain was not affecting my 
> lifestyle. I work every day Monday-Friday 7:15 am-4:20 pm. I attend church 
> Sunday morning Sunday school and church and Sunday night church and Wednesday 
> night Bible study. If I want to do something-I do it. I decided I was not 
> going to allow my pain-no matter how intense to control my lifestyle.
> Anyway, I began trying different pain killers. Lyrica was first. I gained 10 
> pounds of water, so that was out. I tried some others also. I told the pain 
> doctor I would try anything, but I had to be able to think, work and drive by 
> myself. My main problem is sleeping at night. I was averaging from none to 1 
> 1/2 hours of sleep. I would wake up several times at night crying in pain. 
> So, the doc began working on just that-helping me get sleep. At this point, 
> this is my regimine of pain medicines
> 10 mg Valium at night for phantom pain I have had in my legs for over 15 
> years- undr control!
> 5/325 mg Norco up to 2 every 6 hours for pain management. This is the one 
> that keeps the pain at 8 or 9 all day
> 50 mg Doxipin at night
> 80 mg Kadian. this is a time release morphine capsule I take at bed time.
> Even with this medicine, I get about 4-4 /2 hours of sleep at night. Then 
> suddenly it feels like someone had kicked me in the back. I take a Norco 
> which is conventiently next to my bed. I sit up in unbelievalbe pain for 
> about 20-25 minutes until the pain resides enough to rest again. This will 
> happen about 2-3 times EVERY night.
> I have learned some keys to pain management
> 1. I do not allow my pain-no matter how bad-to control my life
> 2. I have convinced my doctor that if I do not think something is not 
> working, I will not take it. But, if we are on a good trail to relief I plan 
> to pursue it. This is the case with Kadian. I began with 60 mg.but there was 
> no change. He upped it to 75mg and there was some help. Then recently he 
> upped it to 80 mg and it is helping. So, we will slowly keep pursueing this 
> avenue. Your doctor must have confidence in you that you will not do 
> something stupid with your pain medicine.
> 3. Constipation became a real problem. Almost everything I take has 
> constipation as a side effect. I have conquered this one also.
>     1. On my bowel program days (Monday, Thursday, and Saturday nights) I 
> take one full dose of generic cherry flavored milk of magnesium in the morning
>     2. I take a single Magnesium citrate capsule on these mornings. The, I 
> take 2 at lunch time. These are very cheap at http://www.iherb.com/ for $7.17 
> for 90 capsules.It is like liquid plumber.
>     3. I quit using the standard bisacodyl suppositories and went to the 
> Magic Bullet. My bowel programs are DONE in less than 1 hour. And they are 
> BIG. I actually just started this. I was using 2 regular suppositories at a 
> cost of about $.16 per suppository. It was taking about 6 hours. I bought the 
> majic Bullet for about $.63 ceach and I'm done in under 1 hour. I will gladly 
> pay the extra $.30 for the results.
> So, that is what I do. I have never written to this before. I am not even 
> sure how my email got into the list, but this caught my eye, so I thought I'd 
> put my 2 cents in. By the way, I have written a book about me. It is readable 
> at http://www.imaquad.mysite.com/. If you are having trouble with your 
> situation, I believe this can help you. There is a page called, The Ministry 
> of Suffering-read it.
> Randal Rodgers
> September 11, 1995
> C-6-7 complete
> married 27 years to a very tired faithful wife
> father of 3 grown children
> From: Fragile <swl...@gmail.com>
> To: Bill Lang <blan...@verizon.net> 
> Cc: quad-list <quad-list@eskimo.com> 
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 4:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain
> Where do you get your Nux Vomica?
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Bill Lang <blan...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Try Nux Vomica. A homeopathic remedy for nausea. Goes under the tongue. Quads 
> who cannot puke because of atrophied stomach muscles just keep feeling 
> nauseous until it comes out the other end. 
> Sent from Billy's IPAD2
> On Aug 16, 2012, at 10:54, jume9...@comcast.net wrote:
>> I don't know how you guys handle all the medication, first of I get nausous 
>> and then there is that darn constipation. I started taking pepcid which 
>> reduced the nausia and also helps with the constipation but still, that just 
>> another pill to take.
>> Meredith
>> From: "Bobbie Humphreys" <bobbie...@aol.com>
>> To: jume9...@comcast.net
>> Cc: quad-list@eskimo.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 6:27:21 PM
>> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain
>> Meredith,
>>           Morphine one capsule time release and a quick acting for intense 
>> pain in my neck (syrinx) and for my spine (scoliosis). I also take Valium 
>> 10mgs, gabapentin 500mgs, hydrocodone and pennsaid which is a topical 
>> solution to put where ever I hurt lower back, shoulder, neck and back.
>>    I've been a C-4,5,6,7 complete quad 39 years now. I've been dealing with 
>> depression on and off. I use to drive but no longer can. Now I can only be 
>> in the van as a passenger twice a month including Doctor appointments. So 
>> now I can't go to see my counselor I was seeing for depressing. 
>>    The has NOT been a good year at all!       Bobbie
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Aug 15, 2012, at 11:55 AM, jume9...@comcast.net wrote:
>> > Hi all.
>> > 
>> > I haven't been on this list that long, I was on it a long time ago but I 
>> > haven't been up to date until about a month ago. So I have missed any 
>> > discussions about dealing with chronic pain.
>> > 
>> > I have been disabled for 31 yrs. I have only been in pain for about a 
>> > year. It is in my neck, upper back and shooting into my left arm. I have 
>> > tried chiropractic adjustments but he doesn't want to make me worse so he 
>> > actually told me that I should stop.  I had a cortisone shot in my neck 
>> > but it did not help. So I have tried naproxin, tramadol and vicodin. The 
>> > vicodin is the only medication that helps. I don't want to take it for the 
>> > rest of my life because I know it isn't safe.  My question is what do all  
>> > of you do for pain?  Thanks.
>> > 
>> > Meredith

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