Thanks, Dana--I hope you heal soon also ! Yes, with us being quads it does'nt 
take a lot for ourselves, caregivers or the hospitals to make simple mistakes 
times that can cause problems for us. I hope you make the concert ! this summer 
I got to go to three concerts at our six flags amusement park-- they were ( the 
newsboys/mercy me/ and 3rd Day) We enjoyed seeing them. I have really enjoyed 
the recent posts from every single person,  we all have some varied views on 
some things but I respect all of everyone on our lists insight and 
opinions/thoughts/feelings also !  It's funny how the list can be so quiet for 
spell then suddenly errupt with activity and postings, lol ( A lot may be to 
subjects and our moods at times )  Many of us go thru much of the same type 
things at different times.   Dan H.**

From: "" <>
Sent: Mon, August 27, 2012 1:32:54 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list. Being a quad

Hi Danny,
So sorry about your sore. It's such a pain to deal with sores of any kind, 
because of the time it takes to heal them.. I just got out the hospital for a 
UTI and came home with a sore from someone transferring me for the MRI, CAT 
or turning me in bed causing a tear along my right panty line. My caregivers 
showed it to the wound care nurse that was changing my arm bandages. The 
hospital just happen to call on Thursday and asked me what I thought of my 
hospital stay. My caregiver and I let them have it. My nurse told the wound 
nurse that I was perfect when I came in. The woman was very nice but asked us 
not to fill out the questionnaire that the hospital sends in the mail. She 
wanted to talk to the nurse manager from that floor. The case manager called on 
Friday but I was not up yet. I complained about my bed during my stay and they 
said they could not get one any softer. I told them I had a sandbag at KU for 
the month I was there, when I returned for part of the week and after my skin 
graft surgery as they made me stay overnight.
Now that pressure area has turned into a much bigger area.

This is irritating thing about being a quadriplegic, when things happen that 
should not have. I go back to the plastic surgeon to look at my skin graft on 
heel and my burned hand as a result of a caregiver. Sometimes a number of 
happen at once. I have faith I will get through this. Just looking forward to 
next concert on September 5,  Kelly Clarkson and The Fray.

I feel for you dealing with your new wound, A.D. and the pain and discomfort 
from your syrinx. I went to a seminar about them and it helped me to understand 
them much better.

This list is a wonderful place to discuss our problems, learn from each other 
and pray for our friends with quad problems. Thank God for this list!


In a message dated 8/26/2012 7:54:07 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
>Lol, Greg-- Well the woman ate first BUT the man also did. ( also it was 
>fruit-may have been apple but may have been something else )  thanks for the 
>nice comments everyone!   I think all of mankind has questioned at onetime or 
>another wheather there is a God or not, Like  Merideth or one of the posts 
>about how he can reveal himself to different people , probably in many 
>ways. As for Bobbie, i wish you the best, Life can be tough and confusing for 
>anyone ! Even more so when pain and disabilities are present, I know I suffer 
>with bad pain and a syrinx myself. Right now i'm getting some bad autonomic 
>dysreflexia at night--------due to my stupiity in trying to use a heat pack 
>far down my back causing a silver dollar sized pressure type sore. I love 
>microwaveable bed buddy hot/cold packs, Bet from now on i'll use it around my 
>neck like I have done for a few years.   Dan H**
From: greg <>
>To: quadlist <>
>Sent: Sun, August 26, 2012 5:52:30 PM
>Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list. Being a quad
>But why does he also blame man for what a woman did?
>I hate apples, I'd of left it alone...
>> Whoever stated that there is no  GOD -- is dead wrong-- he has
>> proved to me that he is real several times in my life,
>> First of all mankind introduced sin by going against gods simple
>> instructions--- man and women would have lived forever in the
>> Garden, God told them of all things you may eat here EXCEPT the
>> Tree of Knowledge and if they did he told them they would surely
>> DIE. God does not sin and does not lie.  So in the begining It was
>> the perfect set-up,  now we must die to ever have eternal life. He
>> saw that manking was so sinful that he even sent his son to suffer
>> and die a horrible death for us ( which he willing did )  For any
>> interested I'll tell one incident he showed me about 3 or 4 years
>> ago.  I have it wrote down date and all in
>> a notebook..... I had been reading the bible and praying an awful 
>> lot for God to give me wisdom and guidance, At that time I was
>> obsessed with home, cars or a van, bills money and etc. Well one of
>> those nights when me and my wife went to bed--she was asleep but I
>> had eyes closed and was trying too also-----Then next thing I knew,
>> GOD had somehow took my soul/spirit or inner being out of my body
>> and had me floating up about Four feet or so ABOVE me and my wife's
>> ( Leeann's ) bodies.........During this time I was mystified
>> thinking I'm completely out of my body but can see everything, in
>> the room......about that time while I was trying to understand what
>> was going on-- GOD  ( somehow ) showed me ------Flashed it before
>> me---Houses, Cars and large bank accounts or statements. Then in a
>> loud clear voice, He spoke to my mind saying ( what does it all
>> mean now??? )  I was so light and free of pain or feeling of
>> Earth's gravity.
>> (  I felt so good it's hard to describe )  Then I said ( means
>> nothing ! your more important than Anything in the whole wide world
>> ! )  At that point he spoke again saying.....see that's what I've
>> been trying to tell or show you.  Then very swiftly as if he by his
>> hand or some force shoved me back into my body !!!.  As soon as I
>> was in my body again, I felt very very heavy feeling pain and
>> gravity's pull once again. ( I know some of you will think I'm a
>> nut or Crazy) but I do not mind at all....I  just feel he wants me
>> to tell someone ( anyone ) about this REAL experience from time to
>> time.  My Wife Leeann believes me and said she wishes God would
>> show or give her a unique experience sometime also.    With love,
>> Dan H.  C-6  15- Plus years post. St. louis Area.
>> From: Todd <>
>> To: "" <>
>> Cc: quad-list <>
>> Sent: Sat, August 25, 2012 5:50:35 PM
>> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list. Being a quad
>> 7.  We can still have children. My boy turned 9 last month. 
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:47 PM, wrote:
>>> Hey Guys, how about something positive. There are some good
>>> things about being a quad.
>>> 1. Good parking (most of the time)
>>> 2. You meet kind people
>>> 3. You know more about technology than most.
>>> 4.  You don't wear out shoes too fast...haha
>>> 5. People like to sleep with you because we don't toss and turn
>>> all night....te he 6. Know the best television shows
>>> C,mon add your own, funny or not.
>>> But most important Bobbie,  I learned that there truly is a God,
>>> and I am truly blessed even as a frickin' Quad
>>> Meredith
>> Fuck the shit "It could be worse crap!"    As long as there are
>> quads living in this world .... then that is PROOF that there in NO
>> FUCKING god
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 10:54 AM, Larry Willis <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> The old adage that "It could be worse" is so very true.
>>>> However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't grieve our loss or vent
>>>> our frustrations. All of us on the list drew the short straw
>>>> and I imagine all of us get mad as hell over the unfairness of
>>>> it all. I appreciate the little movement I have but I don't
>>>> feel blessed because some other poor soul is in worse shape.
>>>> Quadom is a bit of hell that simply varies in degree. I
>>>> wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (if I had one). Thanks, my
>>>> friends, for letting me rant. Have a great day.
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>> Resent-From:
>>>>> From: "Joan Anglin" <>
>>>>> Date: August 25, 2012 12:10:30 AM EDT
>>>>> To: "'Toby Ausbun'" <>, <quad-
>>>>>> Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list. 
>>>>> Being a quad
>>>>> Hi Toby
>>>>> I didn't take it as complaining but more as a statement of
>>>>> fact and wishing for more.  We have been talking about our
>>>>> limitations and frustrations for many years for some of us on
>>>>> this list.
>>>>> I only have shoulder shrugs as a C4 complete, but do know of
>>>>> other C4 completes that have more.  So we use what we can and
>>>>> learn to make do and have shared many unusual fixes and
>>>>> adaptions over the years which have helped each other.  This
>>>>> is one place we can whine and know that somebody out there
>>>>> has been in the same spot and can have some empathy for what
>>>>> we have and what we have lost.
>>>>> I have always wished for one arm and a somewhat working hand,
>>>>> and to heck with ever walking again because I never need to
>>>>> look for a chair to sit in.  JEach of us wants different
>>>>> things, and each of us mourns about different things but
>>>>> we're all united by our handicaps in some way.  Thank
>>>>> goodness for each of our uniqueness.
>>>>> Good to see you on the list.
>>>>> Joan C4 1990 in smoky Reno Nevada due to the California fires

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