Thanks Bobbie!  It will get better, with patience.  Gas is on the  way!
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/2/2012 7:38:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Hi  All,
Things around here in Northern New Jersey  is still pretty bad. My 250 
senior/disabled apartment building has power, but  MANY, MANY in our immediate 
surrounding area AND WELL beyond do not. So,  family member's of people who 
live her are taking in people. 
There are only 2 gas stations within 4 miles have gas all other stations 
STILL  have no power. The lines for gas are MILES long. Only 1 grocery store 
has  power and maybe 2 banks have power. Traffic lights still are not working 
and  countless roads are impassable.
((((HUGS)))).  Bobbie 

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