Thank You Meredith.  The voters have spoke.  No matter who they  voted for, 
voters spoke loud and clear.  To those Republicans in Congress  they said 
get along and get this country working or your out for sure next  time.  
Those same voters told Democrats in Congress that they too must work  together 
or be out.  This December, the Mandated Budget Cuts will  automatically kick 
in.  Every citizen/voter who files next year will be hit  with a $4000 tax 
bill and entitlements will be slashed affect most of our  members here.  Its 
time for all of us to get together.  United we  stand...divided is not the 
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/7/2012 7:20:23 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I could not  have said it better, thank you for putting that so 
elequintly!!!  (spellcheck)  Let us hope that The House of Congress will work 
Obama  this time around.


To: "todd daugherty"  <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 1:38:29  PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Vote Tues, Nov. 6th.

I can say with confidence that 4 years ago, our economy as we knew was  
dead- flatlined.  There was little to no brain activity or respiratory  action 
that was traceable.   Four years later we have made  tremendous strides.  
Definitely not before the crash but moving  upwards.  Our President had a 
Congress that fought every move he made to  advance our progress and to protect 
our banks and some of our  established manufacturing facilities. This in 
spite of our Congress  demanding cutbacks.  Our country was handed the invoice 
for 2 wars  funded by a credit card.  We also had a major population without 
 insurance or under insured.  Insurance companies were denying benefits  
and canceling policies for pre-conditions. Some of those, are members of this  
very group.  I think 50% plus of our population saw it the same way and  48 
% saw it another way.  We can continue to dwell on the past, but I  believe 
the future is just ahead and our healthcare is stable and life is not  
lived from vouchers.  Mit would have been a good but untested  leader.  The 
majority have voted and the Election College have  chosen to extend President 
OBama's job by 4 more years.
Best Wishes 
In a message dated 11/7/2012 2:48:17 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

With  over 20 million without jobs, and deficits and spending going in an 
upward  trend rather than down, energy and gas prices rising, can you all 
that voted  Obama give me a small glimpse of your mindset?  What am i missing  

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 3:37 PM, <_wheelchair@aol.com_ 
( > wrote:

I saved Grover too
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/7/2012 2:09:45 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
_bert52@sbcglobal.net_ (  writes:

I saved Oscar :o)


--- On  Wed, 11/7/12, _wheelchair@aol.com_ (  
<_wheelchair@aol.com_ ( > wrote:

From:  _wheelchair@aol.com_ (  
<_wheelchair@aol.com_ ( >
Subject: Re:  [QUAD-L] Vote Tues, Nov. 6th.
To: _c5sci97@gmail.com_ ( , _quad-list@eskimo.com_ 
Date: Wednesday,  November 7, 2012, 9:59 AM

I saved Big Bird and Grover!
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/7/2012 11:48:24 A.M. Central Standard  Time, 
_c5sci97@gmail.com_ (  writes:

Except the upcoming Civil War.
Eric W  Rudd
_c5sci97@gmail.com_ ( 

From: Lissette Whitehead 
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 2:09 AM
To: Mandy T ; quadlist 
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Vote Tues, Nov.  6th.



Lissette  Whitehead 
1177  Broadway Ste. 18, apt. 127 
Chula  Vista, CA 91911  _ ( 

 Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 17:26:41 -0800
From: _moo_on_wheels@yahoo.com_ ( 
Subject: Re:  [QUAD-L] Vote Tues, Nov. 6th.
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 

Come the revolution!!

 From: Bobbie  Humphreys <_bobbie299@aol.com_ ( >
To: Todd Daugherty <_todd.daugherty@gmail.com_ 
( > 
Cc: "_jume9999@comcast.net_ ( " 
<_jume9999@comcast.net_ ( >; quad-list 
( > 
Sent: Monday, November 5,  2012 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  Vote Tues, Nov. 6th.


((((HUGS)))).  Bobbie 

On Nov 5, 2012, at 7:15 PM, Todd Daugherty <>  

Go Romney/Ryan!!

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 7:04 PM, <> wrote:

Already  done!

From: "Don Price" <>
To:  "quadlist" <>
Sent:  Monday, November 5, 2012 3:00:58 PM
Subject:  [QUAD-L] Vote Tues, Nov. 6th.

American citizens, be sure to vote tomorrow [Tuesday,  November 6th.]
Federal law, including the Americans with  Disabilities Act, requires 
polling places be accessible to  eligible voters for federal elections. And 
through the  2002 Help America Vote Act, states can get federal funds  to 
polling center accessibility. Should you find  your voting site 
inaccessible, please report it  immediately to your local elections board.
_ ( 
[please let's not start a candidates discussion/flame  war here. I think 
we're all weary of that.] :)


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