I blame Adam and Eve--why did they have to eat that forbidden fruit in the 
Garden.  LOL DH*

From: Don Price <donpric...@yahoo.com>
To: "wheelch...@aol.com" <wheelch...@aol.com>; "quad-list@eskimo.com" 
Sent: Wed, November 7, 2012 8:32:33 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Vote Tues, Nov. 6th.

We humans are funny creatures, aren't we?! And politics really puts a 
glass to our quirkiness.

First, let's admit that we're all somewhat biased. We each see the 'other side' 
through a filter. We're quick to believe anything bad we hear about the other 
guys, but will bend over backwards to give our guy the benefit of the doubt. 
It's human nature--schadenfreude on steroids--and if you can't admit it to 
yourself I say you're not being intellectually honest.

Having established that, the "blame game" takes on an even more futile air. 
C'mon, have any of you ever really changed your political philosophy based on 
another person's FB post or an email on the quad-list? If you said 'yes' I 
like to talk to you about a certain bridge I'd be willing to sell you. My point 
is: Obama blames Bush who blames Clinton who blames Bush who blames FDR... on 
back to blaming the first human to invent the wheel. And, as such, the pointing 
game becomes about as productive as the circular firing squad in Blazing 

If we're ever to move forward as a country we'll have to come together and stop 
blaming each other, stop overlooking our bias, and start seeing each other as 
neighbors instead of foes. I can't say I voted for Obama, but I damn sure want 
him to succeed now. I care more about my country prospering than I do about 
saying "I told you so," even if that would bring me great joy.

That's it for my rant. Thanks for listening.

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