I've been reading up on mucus issues after your Bprogram, because I've been 
going through this for awhile now. There are a number of things that can cause 
it to be in excess. Some simple things like

Drinking lots of hot fluids.
Too much digital stimulation.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS.
Polyps in the large intestines.
Chron's Disease or Ulcerated Colitis.
Organisms in the intestines, probiotics out of wack.
Enemeez literature says the Magic Bullets can cause excess mucus also.

I'm sure my issue is not just excess mucus that did not come out after my BP. I 
can get small skid marks up to 48 hours after. Not a bad mess, but a smell 
after getting transferred. I've tried drinking less hot things, less digital 
stims, taking a probiotic, and switching to Enemeez. Lot less mucus now, most 
smell issue is gone, but still some marks on sheets on some mornings.

Still trying to figure it out. It just started one day after 30 years of quadom.


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