It was announced on the tv this morning that on T-Day, people tend to  
consumer around 4500 calories on this special day.   Some think its  about the 
food, others the spirits, but in the end, its about the family unit  and 
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/19/2012 2:56:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Hi  All,
I was wondering what everybody is doing for  Thanksgiving? I'm in bed, but 
believe I'll be able to be up at least for  Thanksgiving ....... But I know 
I'll be all pooped out from being in  bed.
My brother in-law always comes down, from 1 hour west, and the  3 of us go 
out to eat to either a dinner or Chinese. "A Christmas  Story"
((((HUGS)))).  Bobbie 

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