Dana- what was it your mom used  for the migrains? my wife gets them real 
bad---she has had one for about 5 days--today its finally a bit better--she had 
to come home at noon friday from work due to the migraine headache making her 
throw up. ( was it the coke syrup? )  thank you, Dan H**

From: "daa...@aol.com" <daa...@aol.com>
To: llt1...@sbcglobal.net; wheelch...@aol.com; donpric...@yahoo.com; 
g...@eskimo.com; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, January 12, 2013 3:45:10 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Flu Shots/vomiting

When I feel nauseated like I'm going to vomit I take Compazine. If I'm in bed I 
use a suppository and by tablet if up. I also use gas X. When I was a child my 
mom always would put Coke syrup over ice for us to sip on. It seemed to help. 
Just to your Doctor to write a prescription to keep on hand. My mom always used 
those for migraines. It is the most awful feeling and difficult to get the 
on time.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lori Taylor <llt1...@sbcglobal.net>
To: wheelchair <wheelch...@aol.com>; donprice63 <donpric...@yahoo.com>; greg 
<g...@eskimo.com>; quad-list <quad-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sat, Jan 12, 2013 9:42 am
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Flu Shots/vomiting

when I feel I need to throwup, I drnk an alka-seltzer. As soon as it hits my 
stomach, I have a hospital pitcher ready. Something about the bubbles gives my 
stomach enough to hurl. Don't do it often but, if my stomach hurts, I'll drink. 
Not always a gaurantee. But, if I don't throwup, my stomach seems to 
settle.....stay healthy

From: "wheelch...@aol.com" &lt;wheelch...@aol.com&gt;
To: donpric...@yahoo.com; g...@eskimo.com; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, January 11, 2013 10:01:19 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Flu Shots/vomiting

I've helped several quad heave.  The procedure is similar to a cough assist.  
Timing is everything, but it can be and has been done.  Oh, not a pretty sight.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 1/11/2013 5:31:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
donpric...@yahoo.com writes:
I get a flu shot every year around September.
This year I got the shot on my birthday, Sept. 28th. At Christmas my 
roommate/caregiver became sick with the flu. I managed to avoid catching it 
for a week but I did eventually get sick.
While I caught the virus, my recovery time was much shorter than my roommate 
did not get the shot. I think the flu shot aided in my quicker recovery, but I 
cannot prove that. My roommate is STILL suffering, while I am almost back to 
full health.
I have never vomited in 30 years as a quad, but my body was definitely trying. 
heaved for several minutes but did not vomit. Which made me wonder: are quads 
able to throw up? Do you need help to do this? Anyone have puking experience? I 
apologize for the unpleasant topic, but I'm truly curious.

From: greg &lt;g...@eskimo.com&gt;
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 3:23 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Flue Shots

Do you guys get flue shots?
I saw on the news how bad the flue outbreak is this year.

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