I don't know what is causing my spasms. I have a small sore on my hip and my 
bladder feels scratchy nearly all the time. I take oxy as well and it does 
help. Like you, I would nearly bet it is a pain issue. Anti-spasm drugs like 
baclofen really are useless.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> From: greg <g...@eskimo.com>
> Date: January 14, 2013, 7:35:51 PM EST
> To: Larry Willis <lwillis82...@msn.com>
> Subject: Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Flu Shots/vomiting
> I tried every anti spasm pill there was and nothing worked.
> My spasms were caused by pain. Once I took an Oxycontin it was like calm 
> peace.
> I slept all day the first day. Just from the relief.
> My doc at first didn't believe me, he said Oxys did not help spasms.
> I told him I knew the spasms were from the pain... even though I could not 
> feel the hip pain.
> Once he saw me he believed me. I'm a big believer in pain meds (If they are 
> needed and work...)
> I hate taking un needed meds, but quality of life is important.
> Do you know why you are spasming?
> Greg
>> Greg, I have that abdominal spasm problem as well. It's like every
>> muscle in my body makes a tight fist at the same time. It hurts
>> like hell and takes my breath away. Triggers dysreflexia every
>> time. What did the doc do to relieve your symptoms?
>> Sent from my iPad
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> Resent-From: quad-list@eskimo.com
>>> From: greg <g...@eskimo.com>
>>> Date: January 13, 2013, 5:48:56 PM EST
>>> To: <quad-list@eskimo.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Flu Shots/vomiting
>>> I can only recall throwing up 2 times as a quad, neither from
>>> being sick. Once was when getting an x-ray, the kidney kind where
>>> you have to drink all that stuff. Down it went, then up it came.
>>> The other time was after 20+ years as a quad and and then hurting
>>> my hip. My body was spasming pretty bad. I was in real pain and
>>> my legs/abdomen were jerking so hard I was grunting.
>>> My whole inner core was cramped tight, it felt like it was
>>> getting hard to breath. I went to the ER and started throwing up.
>>> They said my hip was causing Dysreflexia. Between my abdomen
>>> cramping so bad and my high BP, it just all came up. I think at
>>> least for me, as long as I'm sitting up there was no problems. It
>>> just naturally came up.
>>> If laying down, especially on my back, there may be issues. Greg
>>>> I get a flu shot every year around September.
>>>> This year I got the shot on my birthday, Sept. 28th. At
>>>> Christmas
>>>> my roommate/caregiver became sick with the flu. I managed to
>>>> avoid
>>>> catching it for a week but I did eventually get sick.
>>>> While I caught the virus, my recovery time was much shorter
>>>> than my
>>>> roommate who did not get the shot. I think the flu shot aided
>>>> in my
>>>> quicker recovery, but I cannot prove that. My roommate is STILL
>>>> suffering, while I am almost back to full health.
>>>> I have never vomited in 30 years as a quad, but my body was
>>>> definitely trying. I heaved for several minutes but did not
>>>> vomit.
>>>> Which made me wonder: are quads able to throw up? Do you need
>>>> help
>>>> to do this? Anyone have puking experience? I apologize for the
>>>> unpleasant topic, but I'm truly curious.

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