If I ever get to the point were my Foley needs removing, I would need to see my 
Uro. in order to replace it. Due to Urethral Sphincterotomy, I now have some 
type of blockage (stricture). In order to replace Foley; a metal rod is 
inserted into Foley, then slide into bladder with some force and a twist, 
leaving me bleeding and stinging. Its not as bad as it sounds, but something 
else will need to be done.


 From: nichole rohling <zoocr...@windstream.net>
To: lwillis...@yahoo.com; "Quad-List@Eskimo. Com" <quad-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 7:08 PM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] AD

I’m tellin’ you, I really was thinking I was going to stroke out! I would get 
severe AD in the first year and the it just has always been mild. I still have 
a bit of a headache and it’s been over 5 ½ hours ago.
Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy!
From:lwillis...@yahoo.com [mailto:lwillis...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 5:51 PM
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] AD
Whew! I can feel your misery, Nikki. There is nothing else in the world like 
it. Take care of yourself. Our old puny bodies can't take much of that.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:
Resent-From: quad-list@eskimo.com
>From: "nichole rohling" <zoocr...@windstream.net>
>Date: March 11, 2013, 3:28:18 PM EDT
>To: "Quad-List@Eskimo. Com" <quad-list@eskimo.com>
>Subject: [QUAD-L] AD
Wow! Nothing like a big dose of AD to start my week off.  
>My catheter has been stopping up so I went to dr 8 weeks ago (I’m sure I have 
>a bladder stone).  He ordered CT scan and I’ve had to reschedule it 3 times in 
>6 weeks because of weather, getting it done tomorrow (thank God).  My home 
>health nurse told me not long ago that when my cath stops up have someone 
>remove it until she gets here and urine will flow out.  Normally, (over the 
>course of the last almost 15 yrs) urine spasms out around cath so I have never 
>done that.  UNTIL TODAY! Urine wasn’t leaking out, I was having spasms in my 
>back, face and neck were fire engine red, my head was POUNDING.  I thought 
>“here we go, I’m gonna have a stroke” before she gets here! Then I remembered, 
>get the catheter out! My mom was able to get it out and sure enough, urine 
>leaked out. Hated to pee in my pants but when AD is that bad……….it really 
>didn’t matter!
>Just wanted to share that if no urine is leaking out remove the catheter 
>because it’s stopping up the body’s natural route for urine to come out! May 
>have saved me from stroking out today!!

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