I’ve been doing web programming but it doesn’t make much… I’ve been using 
dragon for five years now. Hmmm psychiatrist sounds interesting I’ll research 
it. ty


From: Billy Lang [mailto:blan...@verizon.net] 
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2013 9:07 AM
To: wheelch...@aol.com
Cc: da...@immortaldesigns.co; quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Work question....


Online courses towards a  will open up many opportunities. Add voice 
recognition to your tech inventory (if u have not already done so). 

Inventory of jobs by quads that I know personally include psychologists, 
psychiatrist, published novelists, poetess, physiatrists (2), software and 
application programmers, web developers et.al.


Danny, pick something that you love to do. Although you may not be physically 
capable you can still provide positively to the endeavor by documenting, 
advertising or teaching others.


Just don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do!

Sent from Billy Lang's iPad


On Sep 21, 2013, at 8:57, wheelch...@aol.com <mailto:wheelch...@aol.com>  wrote:

Do you have any degrees, certifications?  Are you willing to go back to school 
for additional school or training?


Best Wishes


In a message dated 9/21/2013 5:22:14 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
da...@immortaldesigns.co <mailto:da...@immortaldesigns.co>  writes:

I’m technically a c2 incomplete asymmetrical quadriplegic and wondering if you 
guys could give me ideas work I’m able to do? I can move my right arm only a 
little up to my wrist, my bicep is strong but my tricep is weak so I can barely 
move my arm since extending my arm takes effort and my arm will start curling 
in eventually, get stuck and I need assistance extending it again. My left arm 
is completely paralyzed… I can use a computer with the use of a mouth joystick 
called a quadjoy and onscreen keyboard. I also have a trach atm… The reason I 
mentioned what function I have was purely to help you with recommendations. 
Before my accident I was a network security engineer and computer programmer. 
I’m good with math, technology, science and problem solving.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions and feedback


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