Think back to right after your accident; you and your family were in the 
hospital, clueless, trying to figure out what was going to happen and how life 
was going to be from now on. It was a crazy, scary, emotional time for 
everyone: you, your family and your friends.

Imagine if someone were to hand you--or more likely your family--a "Disability 
Survival Manual" that was intended to give you some advice from people who had 
been there before. What would it include?

My Center for Independent Living (CIL) is currently working on such a manual. 
I'm tasked with writing an article on things that FAMILY and FRIENDS should 
know. So, I'm reaching out to you, my friends on quadlist, and asking for your 

What do you wish someone had told your family and friends right after your 

I APPRECIATE any input you may have.

Tempe, AZ
C5-6 32 years

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