Chris Colwell was injured in a paracute incident and currently lives in dubai. 
His videos are great to watch.........he is very independent for his level. He 
does a good job using the lift but there is a danger involved of getting stuck 
or in the worst case scenario, sliding out a bit and hanging there. Its doable 
if you have a good sense of your body and how things need to be set up. Keep a 
cell around your neck, lol.

 From: KK Batte <>
To: Tray P <>; Lainie Batte <>; Steve 
Shepard <>; "" 
<>; "" <>; 
"" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 11:38 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] My next step?

Yes Elizabeth this is another Chris, the quad video.  But please watch it & 
help me figure this out.

He makes it look like it takes so little energy.  Is this really life using a 
lift?  Is it safe to use a lift when you are alone.  In other video's it looks 
like he will be hanging himself.

Life as a quad who is getting weaker by the day.


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