The "Auto Door Industry" for the lazy, disAbled, and security minded  
consumer,  have basic packages and special custom packages for those who  wish 
spend more money.  Keep in mind the door units are considered  RECEIVERS 
and Key FOBs are TRANSMITTERS.   I've seen number pads and  sensors that 
reacted to "SCANNER DECALS" mounted on various objects ...  including 
wheelchairs.  They can be programmed to unlock doors that are  locked before 
them.  This would apply inside or outside the  door.  So keep in mind that 
almost anything can be modified or altered to  meet a consumer's demand.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 2/11/2014 1:38:26 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

i bought  a push button mechanical key-less lock that did not need a 
battery. i read  reviews that the battery ones have trouble in cold weather. 
just need to  change batteries more.

i had trouble with mine not unlocking even with  a key. the seller/an 
amazon partner did send me a new part but i have not had  in installed.
it was nice while it did work.
derrick in cold PA

On 2/11/2014 2:11 PM, Don Price wrote:

There are also key-less locks that use a number pad to open.  These are 
great if you're able to push a few buttons to unlock the door  (pencil in a 
cuff? mouth stick?) The great thing about these locks is you  can tell 
friends/family/caregivers the code. There's no danger of getting  locked out 
you've forgotten your key. If you ever change caregivers  you can simply 
change the number code on the lock--no worry about collecting  keys or having 
duplicates made.

Downside  to these locks is that they're expensive and pushing the code may 
be tricky  for some quads.


On Friday, February 7, 2014 4:46 PM, _""_ 
(  _<>_ (   

position your chair so when they open it themselves you only allow it  to 
open so far, to verify who it is, then tell them “come on in”
Eric W Rudd

Sent from Windows Mail

From: KK  Batte
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎February‎ ‎7‎, ‎2014  ‎5‎:‎37‎ ‎PM
To: quad

I have a front door remote opener.  But if the door is  locked, the remote 
doesn't work.

When you are  alone, how do you unlock & open the door?


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