I don't know if it would help your problem, but I sleep much more
comfortably at night (and feel warmer during the day) when I wear a knit



From: greg [mailto:g...@eskimo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 4:10 PM
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [QUAD-L] am I cold, or am I hot


I've mentioned this before, but I never heard if anyone else was
experiencing the same problem. I can sit in the sun for long times in hot
weather and feel fine. A few times I have gotten overheated, but at those
times I felt hot and overheated. And in Seattle at night I would use a
blanket, a sheet, and a heavy comforter. And all through the night I felt
toasty warm.


But the last few years when I'm in bed daytime or night, but mostly
nighttime. Just using a sheet and one blanket. When my arms are covered. I
can feel like I am freezing cold, I can even be shivering. I can turn up the
heat, I can add a blanket, but I just feel colder. I often check my
temperature and it is about 97 or there about, my normal temperature is
about 96.5. I am so sure that I am cold, my arms feel like all the hair is
standing up and my arms are shaking. Then I realize what must be happening,
that I'm overheated. So I uncover my arms and at first, when the air gets my
arms I feel even a bit colder. But as my arms cool off they start to feel
better, no longer hot or cold. But then in the middle of the night they get
cold again from being uncovered. So it is damned if I do, damned if I don't.


My arms often feel cold and tingly, except when the sun is shining on them.
But only when under covers do they get to bad. When I sit under the furnace
vent and get warm I don't shivering like that. When I fall asleep with my
arms covered I wake up shivering, my arms are clenched tight, and I would
bet everything I have that I am cold. Obviously I would lose that bet.


I can't figure out how to stay warm night, without feeling like I'm




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