Just one question. in your first lawsuit, what happened to your 75 million/


  Jum: Gmail <bobbiehumphre...@gmail.com>
To: Ismael Cavazos <ismaelcavaz...@gmail.com> 
Cc: Blue <quad-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Monday, May 5, 2014 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] I would like to share something with you guys

I enjoyed reading your story, but I'm sorry you had to go through everything 
that you did. I have also taken the time to write out my "story" and it helped 
me to heal as it were.
Smile Everyday

On May 4, 2014, at 8:28 PM, Ismael Cavazos <ismaelcavaz...@gmail.com> wrote:

When I was born I was completely blind after six surgeries in my eyes I was 
able to see a little bit it is better than nothing I was 11 years old when I 
started seeing the doctors consider me legally blind seven years after that my 
accident happened it all happen in 1981 in high school my senior year I was in 
ROTC drill team it was a Saturday in the morning I told my mother is she could 
take me to practice she told me why you don't go with me and your little 
brother to the store ID to get a couple of things I said I prefer to go to 
practice so she took me to the school grounds for I could practice before I got 
off car she told me again are you sure you don't want to go I said I prefer to 
stay to practice 10 minutes after that I started horsing around with another 
kit and we end up playing wrestling at that time I used to wait 134 pounds the 
other kid waited 350 pounds like I said we started horsing around for the 
meantime the other kids got there and
 also the instructor he grabbed me from my back she put his arms around me I 
slip I was not able to put my hands in front of me so my head was first to the 
floor and all his weight of the other kid and up the top of me when I hit the 
floor my neck pop I tried to get up but I was not able I started feeling weird 
he told me get up I told him I can't she thought that I was joking he saw that 
I was sweating really bad and my face was changing colors he call the other 
kids they started coming towards me everybody was standing around me I was 
laying in the floor one of those kids was my best friend he was the only one 
that had a car's he told me you're not joking I said no I cannot get up so he 
got in the car and went to a small store that is close by the school ground to 
use the public phone call the ambulance she came back and told me that he 
already call the ambulance I told him to tell my mother what happened but not 
exactly what really happened to me the
 reason I said that to him was a month back she had barely per second heart 
surgery and I didn't want her to get a heart attack when she heard the news 
about me I did not know that I broke my neck I was scared from the school 
ground all the way to the hospital I was able to brief on my own when I got 
there I started feeling short of breath I don't recall what happened after that 
when I open my eyes I was in ICU connected to a respirator my mother got to the 
hospital and she was very surprise when the doctors told her what happened to 
me according to her what she told me she thought that I only broke a arm the 
doctors told my mother that I only going to survive 72 hours after three days 
passed by my mother and my older brothers decided to take me to Houston for a 
second opinion I was there for six months the doctors told my mother that I 
needed surgery in my back but the bad use that 50% that I could dive in surgery 
and the good news if you survive with
 therapy and 50% that he only could move his hands so my mother did not want to 
risk it after six months passed by I came back to Brownsville to a nursing home 
I was there a week I was by myself in the room thinking wondering crying I 
heard a noise I turned my head and I saw a air-conditioned window unit and 
suddenly the air conditioner caught the curtain and the started a fire I was 
not able to talk very well for the reason that I was connected to a respirator 
so I started making a lot of weird noises and whistling like crazy finally 
somebody hurt me one of the workers there came to the room and saw the fire she 
started yelling fire she started also getting me out the room pulling the bed 
out and they took out the rest of the patients out site I was the only one 
connected to a respirator so they call an ambulance to send me to the hospital 
for the meantime next day they were going to send me back to the nursing home 
they didn't want to take me back they
 told my mother it was too much responsibility to have a patient with a 
respirator I stay couple of days in the hospital until they find a nursing home 
nowhere in the Valley wanted to a set patients with a respirator I continue 
staying in the hospital until they found me a nursing home they did I needed to 
go outside the Valley and they took me to Killeen Texas I was there for two 
years and a half the name of the nursing home was Belhaven nursing home this I 
was not too happy of getting out the Valley I went over there by helicopter by 
mother and my two older brothers they were in court my attorney went to the 
nursing home to talk to me and asked me I'm going to meet you I at court we 
need to find a way to get you back to Brownsville in court I said okay I really 
didn't care my only thing was in my mind that I wanted to die but I wanted to 
die where I was born in Brownsville that was my plan nobody knew what I was 
thinking and wanted to do I was thinking
 if they take me to Brownsville I will let myself go and die nobody knew what I 
was want to do my attorney told me also is not going to cause anything to your 
parents I'll pay everything private nurse of respiratory therapists I'll pay 
both ways in the helicopter but I need to bear and I said okay I was losing a 
lot of weight I did not want to eat and drink water the only thing I had on my 
mind like I said I wanted to die but I said to myself if I die at least my 
family would have all that money if it we would've one we were going to get 75 
million I was losing so much weight I used to wait 76 pounds two months from 
the last time my attorney talk to me she was going to arrange everything for me 
like he said to get me to Brownsville in court I said okay a week passed by my 
attorney came back to tell me that he already arranged everything only to wait 
for the day to come so they can take me to Brownsville to be there in court I 
started feeling sick running
 a temperature my temperature was 113 they took me to a hospital and they found 
that I had pneumonia my attorney went to the hospital to visit me he told me 
not to worry about it just get well I could arrange everything all over again I 
was there in the hospital for 10 days finally I was back in the nursing home 
one month after that my attorney came back to tell me that he already arranged 
everything again I said okay they going to take you to Brownsville so you can 
be there at court that we came that they they were going to take me it was 
Sunday night I started a lot of chills and I needed to be in Brownsville 
Thursday at court afternoon like I said I had a lot chills I started feeling 
bad Monday morning I started with temperature my temperature was 100 I said to 
myself it cannot be possible what is happening to me Tuesday afternoon my 
attorney came to ask me if I was ready to go Thursday I said yes he did not 
know that I was running a temperature I
 feeling bad I really didn't want to tell him a nurse came to my room to take 
my temperature and my attorney was there and she heard what the nurse said your 
temperature is going up you have 100 right now is 102 after the nurse left my 
attorney told me I cannot take you like that I said I could make it he told me 
it is too much at risk I said to him again I could do it I know so my attorney 
had an idea and he told me I could make a video of you and me asking the 
questions to you so I could show it on court I said I guess it's okay I will 
not too happy about that so he did do what he wanted to do as she told me I got 
to go so I could be there Thursday in court I will let you know how it goes I 
did not say anything it was already Thursday and I still had a temperature from 
102 came down to 101 to all that end up that I had a urine infection that they 
they were people from the state I did not know what was the purpose of it of of 
they be in there until one
 of them came to me and talk to me as she told me I am from the state we come 
and check the residents the other reason we do come if we have a complaint of 
the nursing home she started asking me do they treat you good I said yes to you 
like to food I said not really but it's okay he asked me also what was my name 
I told him he asked me also do you mind me asking you a question about your 
disability I said no go-ahead she asked me what happened to you I told him 
where do you live I told him in Brownsville what are you doing so far from home 
to your parents live here in town I said no they live in Brownsville why they 
did not put to in a nursing home over there I explained him what was my problem 
I told him there is no nursing home in the Valley that was set people connected 
to a respirator there's no nursing home are you sure that's what they told my 
mother he told me what you like me to investigate for you I said okay so he did 
he found a nursing home
 not right away I already was at the nursing home where I was for a year she 
came to tell me there was a nursing home they were going to start accepting 
people connected to a respirator but is going to be in till next year I was 
already two years there Christmas Eve 1981 I came back to Brownsville I used to 
wait at that time 80 pounds when I got here I was very happy I went to Bally 
granny manner nursing home this man passed by in a wheelchair he drop what he 
had on his lapse she picks it up his self he turned his head and told me high I 
answer back he said my name is David what is yours I told him I work with mail 
independent living I said what is that he said let me go see this girl down the 
hall he is one of my consumers and I come back and talk to you if it's okay 
when you I said it's okay so he did he started explaining me what they'll does 
a he told me also you don't have to be here you can get your own place with 
providers I listen everything what
 he said Sounds good but I don't know if you run to a problem you always could 
call advocacy and I said what is that she started explaining to me what was it 
out of that work it took me a while to decide to get out 1991 my mother died 
four years after that I decided to call David that I needed to talk to him I 
ask him if I do get out what do I have to do and also can I come back to the 
same nursing home should yes what about the they don't want to take me she said 
call advocacy talk to one of the attorneys and they will tell you what your 
rights are here is number I was thinking what to do I was scared and confused 
two weeks passed by and I call I said that I wanted to talk to a an attorney to 
ask questions they told me I'm going to transferred the call to one of them her 
name is Rosa Torres she explained everything how advocacy works she told me 
also I could help you get out I told her I need to think I will get back to you 
I did call her not right away
 after a couple years after that so finally I decided to get out I did 2001 I 
was at Bally granny manner for 17 years this here in July is going to be 14 
years Rosa Torres helped me a lot and motivating me of getting out and that's 
about it of my life yes I've been blessed us several ways I strongly believe in 
Jesus sends my accident happened he had been turned me down yet he had complete 
everything to me what I asked until now they only thing that he had not 
complete what I asked is of me walking again but he has his reasons like 
everybody else now click the link so you can read something else 

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