Check for ingrown toe nails,and  pressure spots.  Over the years I've gone 
through spasms from hell and Dr.s couldn't figure out why, at one point I even 
broke the back of my chair.  They finelly gave me valium which helps.  The 
spasms ran there course and calmed back to normal .  I do weather change 
affects them though.

On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 5:58 AM, Danny Espinoza <> 

My spasms keep happening and I've got no idea why... I get range of motion 
twice a day and had my baclofen increased to the maximum recommended dose but 
they keep happening. I dont have an infection right now as far as I know as I 
am not symtomatic yet and my urine is clear "my normal color" so I've got no 
idea whats going on...
Does anyone have any advice?


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