A Body At Rest.... stays at rest and A Body In Motion... stays in  motion.  
The same could be said of the mind and spirit.  Stay  Active.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 8/20/2014 11:57:21 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
poaj...@sbcglobal.net writes:

Same  thing goes for me, so I have made a great effort to start changing my 
blue  routines and get out of the house more. I took a master gardening 
course this  spring and have now increased the number of hours I am 
volunteering. Now that  school has started I signed up to go to the local 
school and work  with kindergartners and some first graders. They are still 
small enough to sit  in my lap while I read to them, or the first graders read 
to me. I get a great  deal of pleasure over the school year watching the 
children mature and learn  to accept me as a person and not just an oddity to 
be stared at in a  wheelchair. 
For  me at 75 it is sometimes hard to remember that I have the type of 
personality  that has to have something to look forward to, because it is more 
comfortable  for me to just withdraw into my shell and eventually find myself 
withdrawing  from outside activities. Then I find that I hurt more, sleep 
more poorly, and  start to become a “bitch” and find myself being critical 
of little petty  things that shouldn’t matter. I have also volunteered in the 
past at our local  library during children’s hours reading to them. 
It  doesn’t always help and I have my down days, but it certainly goes a 
long way  to improve my mental attitude. Sometimes I put on a good face in 
front of  other people, and then find I have actually improved how I really do 
feel.  Getting old isn’t so much fun, but I am looking at other people my 
age with  out SCI and they are having just as many problems only with 
different things.  I don’t know how long I will be blessed with relatively good 
health and  already ¼ my classmates from high school have passed on, so I plan 
to treasure  as much as possible each day that I am given and as Bobbie says “
smile  everyday” and im trying to make somebody laugh every  day. 
My  sister and I used to say about my mother that she didn’t have something 
to  worry about she would go look for something to worry about. Damn if I 
don’t  find myself staring to do the same thing, money, how long is my chair 
going to  last, etc etc etc and so forth. I wish there was a shutdown button 
for my  brain, but since I haven’t discovered it I’m going to have to 
assume there  isn’t one. Hang in there, find something innocuous to worry 
Good luck  and I hope you have a great day. 
From: Larry Willis  [mailto:lwillis82...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014  4:10 AM
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L]  Bad few Days
I've had those same feelings  quite a few times, Greg. It feels like you 
are about to explode. I also  sometimes chill/shiver when I am hot. I small 
dose of Xanax before bed helped  me a lot. Growing old in the land of quadom 
is a .........Yes, it  is.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: greg <_greg@eskimo.com_ (mailto:g...@eskimo.com) >
Date: Tuesday, August  19, 2014
Subject: [QUAD-L] Bad few Days
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:quad-list@eskimo.com) 

Just spent 2 days in the ER, well 1 in the ER, 1 in a  room.
Woke up overheated which sometimes causes a claustrophobic  / panic 
feeling. I felt panicked and like I could not get enough of a breath.  I also 
like I was going to get sick. I thought maybe a UTI or something.  They were 
worried about my heavy chest, so I had an x-ray, CAT scan, which  lead to 
an angioplasty. Luckily everything came out fine. They think my heavy  chest 
is from my spine curving causing pressure. So they are setting up an  
appointment with a lung doctor soon. I did have a UTI  also.

But I get so frustrated with this stupid panic feeling. I  worry about 
everything and can't stop. I worry about that I'm going to worry.  Wake up 
feeling like I just have to get up into my chair. It's a scary panic.  It use 
happen maybe once every few years, but lately it's more often. I  think it's 
my heavy chest making it worse. I just don't feel like I'm getting  enough 
oxygen. The doc says the lung doc might subscribe an oxygen tank at  night. 
Once the feeling is one, I feel so stupid about worrying about that  stuff.

Getting overheated seems to be the trigger point most of  the time. The 
problem is I feel so cold at night, even shivering. I would  swear I'm cold… 
But if I uncover a bit and cool off, I actually get better. So  I swear I'm 
cold, but actually I'm too hot. This only started a few years ago.  Anyone 
else have that issue? I'm sure it's a nerve ending issue.  But I  just shake I 
feel so cold, problem is sometimes it is because I'm cold. So  anything I do 
to get warmer only makes me shiver more and get more overheated.  So I just 
don't know if I'm hot or cold, it feels exactly the  same.

No fun getting old, Greg

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