Great news, progress is so slow so when I hear stories like this I don't get 
too excited anymore. have been hearing stories like this for years But nothing 
has changed and I don't believe they ever will in my life time.   I am 47 and 8 
years post injury.<br/><br/>Don't misunderstand I am hopeful but doubtful! I 
think a lot of it has to do with my spinal cord injury doctor. I went to him 
and shared with him about someone who had recovered after a spinal cord injury. 
 his response to me was "you can spend your life being a patient or just start 
living again."<br/>Well I never stopped living to begin with!!!  As a matter of 
fact my life has been better in some ways since my SCI.    
<br/><br/><br/><br/>Just my thoughts.......<br/><br/>Anyone else???<a 
href="";><br/><br/>Sent from Yahoo Mail 
for iPad</a>

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