I hear ya Larry. Bobbie 

Smile Everyday

> On Nov 2, 2014, at 6:36 PM, lwillis...@yahoo.com wrote:
> After 43 years, my skin is as thin and fragile as a soap bubble. I have a 
> shallow but open wound on my butt that has plagued me for close to ten years. 
> Also one on my left hip. Any wound I get on my feet/legs takes forever to 
> heal, if it heals at all. My legs stay bent because of crushed knees. It is a 
> bit of hell on a daily basis. Insert here a long line of $)&;/&$!!!
> Sent from my iPad
> Begin forwarded message:
>> Resent-From: quad-list@eskimo.com
>> From: donald scott <rollingl...@yahoo.com>
>> Date: November 2, 2014 at 2:37:58 PM EST
>> To: Danny Hearn <ddh...@sbcglobal.net>, "quad-list@eskimo.com" 
>> <quad-list@eskimo.com>
>> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Reclining?
>> Reply-To: donald scott <rollingl...@yahoo.com>
>>    I have been in my chair going on 24 years.  I have always used a 
>> reclining chair, never a tilt.  I like that my knees get bending during 
>> raises and better blood flow for legs. I try and recline once a hour as well 
>> and even more when I'm on my putr just chillin' at home, but just like last 
>> night I was at a amusement park and only did 1 raise in 5 hours. So 
>> sometimes I'm bad. I have always done 14 hours up and 10 hours in bed. I 
>> start on my back in bed and turn on my side about 4 hours into the night. I 
>> have heard many horror stories about air cushions so I have stuck with Jay1, 
>> Jay2, and now Jay3 mud cushions. I only wear blue  jeans.
>>    I rarely have any breakdown with this routine. If when I go to bed and 
>> there is any redness or openness we put Silver Sulfadazine and a 2x2 gauze 
>> patch over it and then more cream at bed time, so twice a day with cream. If 
>> it continues to be open or red I start only doing 8 hours up and 16 hours 
>> down with same cream and more time on side. This will clear it all up within 
>> a week for me. 
>>    I know everyone has different reaction and situations but this has worked 
>> well for me SO FAR. As we age I think the skin breaks down and more issues 
>> will arise. I hope this information is helpful.
>>    Have some fun today,
>>    Donald C6
>> On Sunday, November 2, 2014 10:21 AM, Danny Hearn <ddh...@sbcglobal.net> 
>> wrote:
>> Nan, I don't understand...if they do a pressure mapping, then what happens 
>> or what can be changed then?? I use Roho going on 18 years now. thank you 
>> Dan H**
>> On Sunday, November 2, 2014 12:06 PM, Nan <nlg52...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Bobbie,
>> Do you use a Roho?  I do and I've found that they lose air after a while.  
>> This causes me to get sores - I've been sitting for so long my skin is 
>> incredibly fragile.  What I've learned is that when this happens, I need 
>> another pressure mapping.  Sometimes I have to fight to get one, but once I 
>> get it I can heal sores while in my chair.  Sometimes I have to recline for 
>> a week or so - watch TV, listen to music ... but once a sore starts to heal, 
>> I can start living again.
>> Have you had a pressure mapping recently?
>> Nan

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